Rebar Gun

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I am sure this weapon has been registered! Please do not use this to construct buildings. Especially if someone is standing directly on the other side of it.
~ Caterina Parks's assistant Steve

The Rebar Gun is a ranged weapon that shoots Rebars. It can be used to kill hostile creatures.



 Rebar Gun and  Iron Rebar are unlocked via the Alien Organisms Research chain in the MAM.png MAM using:
Reinforced Iron Plate.png
 Stun Rebar is unlocked via the Caterium Research chain in the MAM.png MAM using:
Iron Rebar.png
 Shatter Rebar is unlocked via the Quartz Research chain in the MAM.png MAM using:
Iron Rebar.png
Quartz Crystal.png
 Explosive Rebar is unlocked via the Sulfur Research chain in the MAM.png MAM using:
Iron Rebar.png
Steel Beam.png
Smokeless Powder.png


Recipe Ingredients Produced in Products Unlocked by
Explosive Rebar
2 × Iron Rebar.pngIron Rebar10 / min
2 × Smokeless Powder.pngSmokeless Powder10 / min
2 × Steel Pipe.pngSteel Pipe10 / min
1 × Explosive Rebar.pngExplosive Rebar5 / min
MAM Sulfur Research - Explosive Rebar
Iron Rebar
1 × Iron Rod.pngIron Rod15 / min
1 × Iron Rebar.pngIron Rebar15 / min
MAM Alien Megafauna Research - The Rebar Gun
Rebar Gun
6 × Reinforced Iron Plate.pngReinforced Iron Plate6 / min
16 × Iron Rod.pngIron Rod16 / min
100 × Screw.pngScrew100 / min
1 × Rebar Gun.pngRebar Gun1 / min
MAM Alien Megafauna Research - The Rebar Gun
Shatter Rebar
2 × Iron Rebar.pngIron Rebar10 / min
3 × Quartz Crystal.pngQuartz Crystal15 / min
12 sec
1 × Shatter Rebar.pngShatter Rebar5 / min
MAM Quartz Research - Shatter Rebar
Stun Rebar
1 × Iron Rebar.pngIron Rebar10 / min
5 × Quickwire.pngQuickwire50 / min
6 sec
1 × Stun Rebar.pngStun Rebar10 / min
MAM Caterium Research - Stun Rebar


Name Cost Contents
Iron Rebar Pack 1 50x  Iron Rebar
Stun Rebar Pack 1 50x  Stun Rebar
Shatter Rebar Pack 2 50x  Shatter Rebar
Explosive Rebar Pack 3 50x  Explosive Rebar



The Rebar Gun is a short-to-mid-ranged, single-shot weapon with high per-shot damage but a slow reload. A shot with the default ammo deals almost three times the damage of a strike with the  Xeno-Zapper, making it one of the most powerful weapons in terms of damage per hit, only beaten by  Nobelisks and  Explosive Rebar.

Unlike the hitscan used by the  Rifle, the Rebar Gun's shots are projectiles, therefore they have a flight time and a ballistic arc. This means the player must compensate for lead and distance at range. The fairly rapid drop of the fired rebars limits the weapon's effective maximum range, however, since there's no hard distance limit, it is able to engage targets at greater distances than the Rifle. Maximum range is only limited by 10 seconds of flight time, after which the projectile despawns. Damage is not reduced with distance to target.

Holding R will allow the player to choose between ammunition types. The basic ammo fires a single solid rebar: while this will visibly stick into enemies and terrain, it cannot be retrieved after being fired. The three alternate types are diverse in their functions and make the weapon very flexible: Stun Rebars allow the weapon to paralyze enemies for 5 seconds, dealing minimal damage (3, less than a quarter of a standard shot and the same as a single Homing Rifle bullet) but allowing the player to finish them off with melee strikes and save ammo, while Shatter and Explosive Rebars respectively convert the Rebar Gun to resemble a shotgun and a grenade launcher.

Shatter Rebar fires a ragged spread of 15 projectiles each of which deal 2 damage, for a total of 30 per shot, more than double that of a standard shot. Explosive ammo is even more destructive at 35 damage per shot, has a small AoE effect, and also gives the Rebar Gun all the functions of a Nobelisk in terms of destroying scenery and breakable rocks.


 Rebar Gun can be sunk into the AWESOME Sink.png AWESOME Sink to yield 1,968 points.
 Iron Rebar can be sunk into the AWESOME Sink.png AWESOME Sink to yield 8 points.
 Stun Rebar can be sunk into the AWESOME Sink.png AWESOME Sink to yield 186 points.
 Shatter Rebar can be sunk into the AWESOME Sink.png AWESOME Sink to yield 332 points.
 Explosive Rebar can be sunk into the AWESOME Sink.png AWESOME Sink to yield 360 points.


  • It is possible to equip multiple Rebar Guns, allowing for several shots to be fired before having to pause to reload.
  • It is also possible to effectively stunlock high HP enemies with Stun Rebar [e.g., Alpha Hogs] by shooting once, hitting twice with a melee weapon, reloading and repeating.
  • Iron Rebar can be very handy in PvP. This is because hitting someone with Iron Rebar stuns them for a few seconds, allowing you some time to throw a  Nobelisk or two at them whilst they can't move.



Early game development

Prior to Closed Alpha, in Sprint 6 (week 12) the player had access to a nail gun which later became the rebar gun.