Liquid Biofuel

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Liquid Biofuel is a fluid refined from Solid Biofuel. It can be used to power Fuel Generators or the Jetpack.



Recipe Ingredients Produced in Products Unlocked by
Liquid Biofuel
6 × Solid Biofuel.pngSolid Biofuel90 / min
3 × Water.pngWater45 / min
4 sec
4 × Liquid Biofuel.pngLiquid Biofuel60 / min
Tier 5 - Fluid Packaging
Unpackage Liquid Biofuel
2 × Packaged Liquid Biofuel.pngPackaged Liquid Biofuel60 / min
2 sec
2 × Liquid Biofuel.pngLiquid Biofuel60 / min
2 × Empty Canister.pngEmpty Canister60 / min
Tier 5 - Fluid Packaging



Recipe Ingredients Produced in Products Unlocked by
Packaged Liquid Biofuel
2 × Liquid Biofuel.pngLiquid Biofuel40 / min
2 × Empty Canister.pngEmpty Canister40 / min
3 sec
2 × Packaged Liquid Biofuel.pngPackaged Liquid Biofuel40 / min
Tier 5 - Fluid Packaging


Processing Solid Biofuel into Liquid Biofuel hardly adds any fuel efficiency due to the energy value of ingredients close to the product:

  • 1.5 x Solid Biofuel (675 MJ) + 0.75 x Water (7.5 MJ) + Refinery Power (30 MJ) = 1 x Liquid Biofuel (750 MJ)

which results a net gain of 37.5 MJ (+5%).

In contrast, Packaged Liquid Biofuel is highly effective when used in the Jetpack, providing the longest burn time of any fuel and a higher maximum height than Solid Biofuel, Packaged Fuel, or Packaged Turbofuel.
