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An pioneer in combat with a "Fluffy-tailed Hog"

Pioneers can choose to engage in combat with creatures found in the world, in order to access resources they are nesting on[1] and will need to defend themselves from hostile wildlife while exploring.[1] Creatures will never attack structures built by pioneers,[2] only targeting the pioneers. The pioneer will die if their health drops to zero. Dead creatures drop loot on death and leave their corpses on the ground that despawn after a short amount of time if not in sight.

All creatures except for Stingers ignore pioneers riding vehicles, not even targeting the vehicle.

Creature hostility

During a session, go to Esc menu -> Options (Settings) -> Gameplay -> Creature Hostility, there are 3 options to choose from:

  • Default: Hostile creature become aggressive when Pioneer enters their line of sight or aggro range
  • Passive: Hostile creature will not attack Pioneer at all, even after bring attacked. Flying Crabs and Spore Flower can still deal damage, however.
  • Retaliate: Hostile creature will fight back after being attacked. When in a group, only those being attacked will fight back.


Below is a list of usable weapons and their damage per hit:

Creature respawn mechanism

A map of all creatures which spawn in the world.
  • There are spawn points for hostile creatures such as Hogs and Spitters scattered around the map, particularly near by Resource Nodes or collectibles.
  • If creatures were killed, they will attempt to respawn within three game days, and only if the pioneer is not within 150 meters of the spawn point.
  • At the start of the game, (or upon game updates/balancing) the hostile creatures will be present around their spawn point by default.

To prevent hostile creature respawn, the following must be fulfilled:

  • There is at least one powered player-built building within a 150 meter radius (or Foundations which have a smaller radius)[3] around the hostile spawn point.
  • The existing creatures around their spawn point, if present, must be killed first.
  • The creatures with their spawn point only active at night, must wait to be spawned at least once then be killed, even if all the above criteria are fulfilled before the first night.

Creature teleportation

  • If a hostile creature moves too far away from its spawn point, it will be automatically teleported back to it, provided the player is not near the spawn point (~ 80 m). For example, if the pioneer attempts to lure a stinger to fall off an edge, or move out of a cave, the stinger will be teleported back to its spawn point. Same applies to most other creatures except Hogs.
  • A creature's HP resets back to full-health after it is teleported back to its spawn point.

Hostile creatures and plants

Main article: Creatures


  • Patch
    • Creature Changes
      • Adjustments to the Spitter VFX, Animations, AI and Attacks
      • Adjustments to Hog and Alpha Hogs Physics, AI and Attacks
    • Balancing
      • Reduced the size of the radius for Factory buildings preventing creatures from respawning
  • Patch
    • Creature Changes
      • Spawner rework, Initial creature respawn has been reset for all creatures across the world
      • Reduced the distance check for despawning when considered near to a base
      • Power Poles, Hypertubes, Conveyor Belts, Pipes and their related attachments should no longer be considered a base, therefore should not despawn any creatures when built by themselves
  • Patch 2018-10-17: Introduced
