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The Customizer is an expansion to the Build Gun which adds an additional tab in the Build Menu.[1]

The reason the Customizer was added was to expand the way the pioneer handled customization of buildable's like Foundations, Walls, Buildings, Machines, etc.[2]


You unlock the Customizer in Tier 2, Milestone 4.[3]

Initially you will only be able to paint buildable's, but can later unlock the use of Materials and Patterns by purchasing them in the AWESOME Shop which has some progression prerequisites.


The Customizer, accessed using the default key X, is used for customizing the color, material (or texture), and patterns of buildings and vehicles. The Customizer can also be accessed by clicking the 'Customizer' tab in the build menu.


Colors are divided into 20 swatches consisting of a Primary Color and a Secondary Color[4] which appear in one of 3 different groups (Default, Custom, and Regular).

19 of the color swatches appearing in both the Default and Regular groups are instanced, and 1 color swatch being the Custom group is persistent.[5]

To use a color swatch, simply click on it. After selecting a color swatch, the player will be prompted to paint the target objects.


Colors in this group will affect new buildable's. Other than Foundations, Concrete Structures, and Pipelines which have their own default swatches, the FICSIT Factory swatch is used for buildings, machines, support poles, etc.[6] and vehicles.[7]

When using any of the Default color swatches, if you later change any of these swatches using the Color Manager (see below) then every instance where a particular color is used will also change.

Name Icon Primary Secondary Default Active Swatches
Custom HSV
(Common HSV)
RGB HEX Code Custom HSV
(Common HSV)
FICSIT Factory Swatch
16, 0.93, 0.95
(25, 70, 98)
250, 149, 73 #FA9549 232, 0.57, 0.26
(230, 32, 54)
95, 102, 140 #5F668C Standard
FICSIT Foundation Swatch
0, 0, 0.11
(0, 0, 36)
93, 93, 93 #5D5D5D 16, 0.93, 0.95
(25, 70, 98)
250, 149, 73 #FA9549 Ficsit Foundation
Concrete Structure Swatch
0, 0, 1
(0, 0, 100)
255, 255, 255 #FFFFFF 16, 0.93, 0.95
(25, 70, 98)
250, 149, 73 #FA9549 Concrete Foundation
Coated Concrete Foundation
Concrete Wall
Pipeline Swatch
16, 0.93, 0,96
(26, 71, 98)
250, 149, 73 #FA9549 232, 0.57, 0.26
(230, 32, 54)
95, 102, 140 #5F668C Pipes


Unlike other color swatches, the custom swatch is "consequence-free". When using the single Custom color swatch, if you later change the swatch using the Color Manager (see below) any buildable's previously painted using this color swatch will persist (not change).[8]

Name Icon Primary Secondary Default Active Swatches
Custom HSV
(Common HSV)
RGB HEX Code Custom HSV
(Common HSV)
Custom Swatch
16, 0.93, 0.95
(25, 70, 98)
182, 102, 191 #B666BF 232, 0.57, 0.26
(230, 32, 54)
128, 195, 82 #80C352 None


When using any of the Regular color swatches, if you later change any of these swatches using the Color Manager (see below) then every instance where a particular color is used will also change.

Name Icon Primary Secondary Default Active Swatches
Custom HSV
(Common HSV)
RGB HEX Code Custom HSV
(Common HSV)
Swatch 1
211, 0.77, 0.65
(205, 0.49, 0.83)
108, 168, 212 #6CA8D4 36, 0.64, 0.34
(39, 0.37, 0.61)
157, 137, 98 #9D8962 None
Swatch 2
11, 0.91, 0.8
(18, 0.66, 0.90)
232, 125, 77 #E87D4D 234, 0.20, 0.38
(232, 0.09, 0.65)
150, 152, 166 #9698A6
Swatch 3
236, 0.32, 0.18
(234, 0.16, 0.46)
99, 101, 119 #636577 147, 0.34, 0.36
(150, 0.17, 0.63)
134, 162, 148 #86A294
Swatch 4
221, 0.08, 0.81
(220, 0.03, 0.91)
224, 227, 233 #E0E3E9 232, 0.57, 0.26
(230, 0.32, 0.54)
95, 102, 140 #5F668C
Swatch 5
91, 0.61, 0.73
(87, 0.34, 0.87)
187, 222, 146 #BBDE92 232, 0.57, 0.26
(230, 0.32, 0.54)
95, 102, 140 #5F668C
Swatch 6
319, 0.65, 1.00
(315, 0.37, 1.00)
255, 160, 231 #FFA0E7 232, 0.57, 0.26
(230, 0.32, 0.54)
95, 102, 140 #5F668C
Swatch 7
176, 0.48, 0.87
(176, 0.25, 0.94)
179, 214, 237 #B3F1ED 232, 0.58, 0.26
(229, 0.33, 0.54)
93, 101, 139 #5D658B
Swatch 8
35, 0.79, 0.49
(40, 0.51, 0.72)
186, 155, 90 #BA9B5A 180, 0.06, 0.35
(180, 0.02, 0.62)
155, 159, 159 #9B9F9F
Swatch 9
35, 0.29, 0.96
(36, 0.13, 0.98)
251, 237, 216 #FBEDD8 232, 0.58, 0.26
(229, 0.33, 0.54)
93, 101, 139 #5D658B
Swatch 10
263, 0.66, 0.98
(268, 0.38, 0.99)
201, 155, 253 #C99BFD 232, 0.58, 0.26
(229, 0.33, 0.54)
93, 101, 139 #5D658B
Swatch 11
159, 0.69, 0.64
(162, 0.40, 0.82)
124, 210, 185 #7CD2B9 232, 0.58, 0.26
(229, 0.33, 0.54)
93, 101, 139 #5D658B
Swatch 12
52, 0.65, 0.93
(53, 0.37, 0.96)
247, 237, 154 #F7ED9A 232, 0.58, 0.26
(229, 0.33, 0.54)
93, 101, 139 #5D658B
Swatch 13
65, 0.14, 0.31
(65, 0.06, 0.59)
150, 151, 141 #96978D 232, 0.58, 0.26
(229, 0.33, 0.54)
93, 101, 139 #5D658B
Swatch 14
309, 0.79, 0.47
(306, 0.51, 0.71)
183, 88, 173 #B758AD 232, 0.58, 0.26
(229, 0.33, 0.54)
93, 101, 139 #5D658B
Swatch 15
0, 0, 0.22
(0, 0, 0.50)
130, 130, 130 #828282 235, 0.10, 0.87
(230, 0.04, 0.94)
229, 231, 241 #E5E7F1

Color Manager

Individual Color Swatches can be edited by highlighting the swatch and click 'Edit' at the bottom of it which brings up the Color Manager UI.[9]

Color presets can be saved for use later by using Load Preset by clicking the 'save' icon near the bottom right, and entering a custom preset name.[10] To restore a particular color swatch, click 'Load Preset' at the bottom middle.

Colors can be set by adjusting the individual sliders, or by manually entering a desired hex-code in the lower left, or by editing the HSV[note 1] individual values on the right to make a custom-defined HSV color space, which is different from the common HSV color space.

  • Hue can be any degree value from 0° to 359°.[note 2]
  • Saturation can be any percentage value from 0% (Pure Grey) to 100% (Pure Color defined by Hue).[note 3]
  • Value (or Brightness) can be any percentage value from 0% (Black) to 100% (Full Brightness).[note 3]


  1. The abbreviation HSV stands for hue, saturation, and value, and is also often called HSB (B for brightness).
  2. Hue degree values are shown as whole numbers 0 thru 359.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Saturation and Value/Brightness percentage values are shown as fractional numbers 0 thru 1 (example 5% would show as 0.05, 75% would show as 0.75, 100% would show as 1).

Default assignment

Default active swatches can be overridden by right-clicking on a color swatch you can assign that color swatch as default color for various buildable's.[11][12] See also current issues below.

This will not retroactively apply the selected swatch to the objects of the selected type, but will set it as the default for newly created objects of that type.

For example if Swatch 1 is right-clicked and 'Ficsit Foundation' is ticked, any foundations built from that point will have Swatch 1 applied.

Hotbar assignment

Color Swatches can be bound to a hotbar by highlighting Color Swatch and pressing a number (0 - 9) for the hotbar location where you want to place the Color Swatch.


Certain architecture buildings can be retextured by changing their material. Attempting to apply a material that is already in use, or onto an incompatible building, will display an 'Invalid customization target' error.

Materials come in various types, which appear in one of 3 different groups (Foundation, Wall, and Roof).


You can filter the Build Menu to a specific Material by selecting the appropriate filter.[13] You can change Material prior to placement of Foundation, Wall, or Roof, by holding E to bring up Quick Switch radial menu, and then use RMB Right to select the Material type you wish to use.[14]

Applying a Material when your Inventory is full will result in the appearance of inventory overflow crates holding the items not used in the recipe for the new Material used.[15] Example, changing FICSIT Foundations which use 5x  Concrete and 2x  Iron Plate with Coated Concrete Foundation Material which use 5x  Concrete and 2x  Plastic will result in one or more inventory overflow crates containing the unused 2x  Iron Plate.

Foundation Materials

Name Unlocked at Prerequisites
FICSIT Foundation Always available Tier 1, Milestone 1 - Base Building
Concrete Foundation AWESOME Shop - Concrete Foundations Material Tier 1, Milestone 1 - Base Building
Asphalt Foundation AWESOME Shop - Asphalt Foundation Material Tier 1, Milestone 1 - Base Building
Tier 3, Milestone 2 - Vehicular Transport
Grip Metal Foundation AWESOME Shop - Grip Metal Foundation Material Tier 1, Milestone 1 - Base Building
Tier 3, Milestone 3 - Basic Steel Production
Coated Concrete Foundation AWESOME Shop - Coated Concrete Foundation Material Tier 1, Milestone 1 - Base Building
Tier 5, Milestone 1 - Oil Processing

Wall Materials

Name Unlocked at Prerequisites
FICSIT Wall Always available Tier 1, Milestone 1 - Base Building
Concrete Wall AWESOME Shop - Concrete Wall Material Tier 1, Milestone 1 - Base Building
Steel Wall AWESOME Shop - Steel Wall Material Tier 1, Milestone 1 - Base Building
Tier 3, Milestone 3 - Basic Steel Production

Roof Materials

Name Unlocked at Prerequisites
FICSIT Roof Always available AWESOME Shop - FICSIT Roofs
Tar Roof AWESOME Shop - Tar Roof Material AWESOME Shop - FICSIT Roofs
Glass Roof AWESOME Shop - Glass Roof Material AWESOME Shop - FICSIT Roofs
Quartz Research, Node 3 - Silica
Metal Roof AWESOME Shop - Steel Roof Material AWESOME Shop - FICSIT Roofs
Tier 3, Milestone 3 - Basic Steel Production

Hotbar assignment

Materials can be bound to a hotbar by highlighting buildable using the desired Material and pressing a number (0 - 9) for the hotbar location where you want to place the Material.[16]

You can also assign Material type to Hotbar by right-clicking on Material in the Customizer and selecting Apply Material to Hotbar Buildings.[17]

An even faster method to assign Material type to Hotbar consists of, while viewing Hotbar, pressing left Alt key and a number (0 - 9) for the Hotbar location which is currently using a desired Material type. This will switch ALL applicable other buildable's to same Material type on that Hotbar.[18]


Patterns can be applied to Foundations and Roofs and require the use of one Color Cartridge for each Pattern place.



Each single Foundation can only have 1 Pattern applied to its center. Patterns can be rotated with mouse wheel Middle prior applying.

Applying a different Pattern will replace the existing pattern, including the same Pattern with different rotation. Applying a same pattern with same rotation will display the 'Customization already applied' error since nothing is changed.


To remove a Pattern, choose 'Pattern Removal'. When a Pattern is removed the Pioneer does not get back any Color Cartridges.


The color of the applied Pattern follows the Secondary Color of the Foundation's Color Swatch that was used when Foundation was initially constructed or last updated.


Like paint, Patterns placed on Foundations are glossy and will reflect items, buildings / machines, walls, landscape, etc., around them.[19][20]

The use of a black secondary Foundation swatch color is best to see any reflection, and the use of other colors will still have a reflection but it will be harder to see the lighter the color. White can be considered as the "least reflective" of all Pattern colors.

Valid targets

All Foundations, Invert Foundations, Ramps, Double Ramps, Corner Ramps, Inverted Corner Ramps, Quarter Pipes and Inverted Quarter Pipes, and Roofs can be patterned, and not others. However, among the valid targets, patterns applied to glass and frame Foundations, Roofs, Quarter Pipes and Inverted Quarter Pipes will not be visible.

Applying a new material to a patterned Foundation also rotates the pattern by rotating the material before applying it.


Customizer patterns are shown in one of 6 different groups.


Type Icon Name Unlocked at Prerequisites
All Arrow Straight.png Straight Arrow AWESOME Shop - Customizer - Arrow Patterns Tier 2, Milestone 4 - Resource Sink Bonus Program
Arrow Left.png Left Arrow
Arrow Right.png Right Arrow
Arrow U-Turn.png U-turn Arrow
Arrow Straight No.png NO! Straight Arrow
Arrow Left No.png NO! Left Arrow
Arrow Right No.png NO! Right Arrow


Type Icon Name Unlocked at Prerequisites
Factory Icon Factory.png Factory Icon AWESOME Shop - Customizer - Factory Icon Patterns Tier 2, Milestone 4 - Resource Sink Bonus Program
Icon Power.png Power Icon
Icon Storage.png Storage Icon
Icon Nuclear Warning.png Nuclear Warning Icon
Icon Liquid.png Liquid Icon
Icon Cross.png Cross Icon
Icon Pioneer.png Pioneer Icon
Icon Pioneer No.png NO! Pioneer Icon
Transportation Icon Tractor.png Tractor Icon AWESOME Shop - Customizer - Transportation Icon Patterns Tier 2, Milestone 4 - Resource Sink Bonus Program
Icon Truck.png Truck Icon
Icon Explorer.png Explorer Icon
Icon Factory Cart.png Factory Cart Icon
Icon Factory Cart No.png NO! Factory Cart Icon
Icon Parking.png Parking Icon
Icon Parking No.png NO!Parking Icon


Type Icon Name Unlocked at Prerequisites
Solid Line Center.png Center Line AWESOME Shop - Customizer - Solid Line Patterns Tier 2, Milestone 4 - Resource Sink Bonus Program
Line Center Corner.png Center Corner Line
Line Split.png Split Line
Line Cross.png Cross Line
Line Side.png Side Line
Line Side Corner.png Side Corner Line
Line Double.png Double Line
Dotted Line Center Dotted.png Center Dotted Line AWESOME Shop - Customizer - Dotted Line Patterns Tier 2, Milestone 4 - Resource Sink Bonus Program
Line Center Corner Dotted.png Center Corner Dotted Line
Line Split Dotted.png Split Dotted Line
Line Cross Dotted.png Cross Dotted Line
Line Side Dotted.png Side Dotted Line
Line Side Corner Dotted.png Side Corner Dotted Line
Line Double Dotted.png Double Dotted Line


Type Icon Name Unlocked at Prerequisites
All Number 0.png Number 0 AWESOME Shop - Customizer - Number Patterns Tier 2, Milestone 4 - Resource Sink Bonus Program
Number 1.png Number 1
Number 2.png Number 2
Number 3.png Number 3
Number 4.png Number 4
Number 5.png Number 5
Number 6.png Number 6
Number 7.png Number 7
Number 8.png Number 8
Number 9.png Number 9


Type Icon Name Unlocked at Prerequisites
Factory Path Straight.png Straight Path AWESOME Shop - Customizer - Pathway Patterns Tier 2, Milestone 4 - Resource Sink Bonus Program
Path Corner.png Corner Path
Path Split.png Split Path
Path Cross.png Cross Path
Path Pioneer.png Pioneer Path
Path Cart.png Cart Path
Path Small Crosswalk.png Small Crosswalk
Transportation Path Large Crosswalk.png Large Crosswalk AWESOME Shop - Customizer - Transportation Icon Patterns Tier 2, Milestone 4 - Resource Sink Bonus Program


Type Icon Name Unlocked at Prerequisites
All Zone Full Factory.png Full Factory Zone AWESOME Shop - Customizer - Factory Zone Patterns Tier 2, Milestone 4 - Resource Sink Bonus Program
Zone Half Factory.png Half Factory Zone
Zone Quarter Factory.png Quarter Factory Zone
Zone Factory Line.png Factory Zone Line


Currently, the Customizer only has Basic and Premium skins that are unlocked in the FICSMAS Seasonal Event. Once unlocked an additional Skins tab is added to the Customizer UI.

See also: FICSMAS Customizer Skins

Current issues

The custom color swatch should never be set as a default color for any buildable due to a current issue. See Customizer Will Turn Everything Black Forever.


  • The introduction of the Customizer in Update 5 also introduced the characters, played by Coffee Stain Studios Community Managers, of Snutty Mays (Snutt Treptow) and Juice Velvet (Jace Varlet) which are referenced elsewhere in this Wiki.[21]
  • Snutt made a theme song for the Customizer.[22]
  • u/Vencam made a huge list of colours found in the game for use with the Customizer. Find it here on r/SatisfactoryGame.



  • Patch Fixed issue where changing materials (Customizer) in the Quick Switch menu would stop working after the first time
  • Patch
    • Fixed the Customizer still consuming resources from inventory when No Build Cost was enabled
    • Fixed getting refunds for Customizer Materials and Patterns when No Build Cost is enabled (So your inventory does not fill up with things you don’t want)
    • Fixed a crash with the Customizer when using the Customization filter
  • Patch Added feedback when trying to save colour picker presets with the same name as an already existing preset
  • Patch
    • Fixed having to click twice on Foundations, Walls and Roof Material filters in order for the Apply Material to Hotbar buildings button to be displayed
    • Added feedback when trying to save color picker presets with the same name as an already existing preset
  • Patch Fixed Color preset names not having a character limit
  • Patch Fixed an issue where the player could open the Customizer menu before it was unlocked
  • Patch
    • Unpaintable buildings should now be paintable
    • Fixed Customizer UI displaying N/A for active material customization in some scenarios
  • Patch Fixed an issue where all player input would stop working if the Build Menu/ Customizer was closed with the color picker open
  • Patch Equipment will now be colored to the default factory color selected in the Customizer
  • Patch Fixed Power Lines being able to be selected as a Customizer target which would then result in them looking weird when a colour swatch was applied
  • Patch
    • Introduced Asphalt Foundation Material now available in the AWESOME Shop
    • Fixed a crash related to Swatches, players affected by this might still need to apply correct defaults to get everything back to normal.
    • Added some fallback data so saves affected by null Swatch groups can get their Swatches back to normal
    • Fixed issues with swatches on Pipeline buildables
  • Patch Fixed some Customizer FICSIT Factory Swatches being wrongly applied to some Foundation types after last update
  • Patch Fixed the search function in the Customizer not working properly
  • Patch Fixed so Customizer Patterns are no longer rotated based on foundation rotation (Double for real)
  • Patch Fixed Customizer shortcuts being wiped from Hotbars in offline saves
  • Patch (Released again in Patch Fixed Multiplayer / Dedicated Servers Clients not being able to save or remove colour presets in the Customizer
  • Patch Introduced, replacing the Color Gun
    • The Customizer is a new main tab in the Build Menu Q. The standard Build Menu tab is now named ‘Builder’
    • Press X to open by default
      • While in the Build Menu, pressing Q/X will swap between the Builder and Customizer tabs
    • Unlockable in Tier 2, “Resource Sink Bonus Program”, together with the AWESOME Shop and Color Cartridges
    • Materials and Patterns can be purchased in the new “Customizer” section of the AWESOME Shop
    • Materials, Colors and Patterns can be selected from the Customizer menu, they can also be placed on the Hotbar for quick access
      • Selecting a Material, Color, or Pattern allows them to be applied to a valid building, and the input can be held down for continuous application
    • The Customizer Material partially determines the build cost for Walls, Foundations, and Roofs.
      • This cost is always 2 pieces of the part used by the specific Material
      • Changing Material refunds the cost of the previous Material
    • Materials are available for Walls, Foundations (including Ramps), and Roofs:
      • 3 Wall Materials: FICSIT, Concrete, and Steel
      • 4 Foundation Materials: FICSIT, Concrete, Grip Metal, and Coated
      • 4 Roof Materials: FICSIT, Tar, Steel, and Glass
    • Patterns always cost 1 Color Cartridge
      • Using Pattern Removal refunds the Color Cartridge
    • Patterns can be painted on any building in the ‘Foundation’ category of the Build Menu.
    • Patterns use the Secondary Color slot of the Swatch applied to their Foundation.
    • There are a total of 58 different Patterns available in the following bundles:
      • Arrow Patterns
      • Number Patterns
      • Factory Zone Patterns
      • Transportation Icon Patterns
      • Factory Icon Patterns
      • Pathway Patterns
      • Solid Line Patterns
      • Dotted Line Patterns
    • The Color section now features Default swatches for Factory, Pipes, FICSIT Foundations, and Concrete Walls & Foundations
    • Coloring now no longer requires Color Cartridges but is instead free, so no more Flower Petal grinding just to color the factory
      • Instead, Patterns use the Color Cartridges
      • The “Pattern Removal” option refunds the Color Cartridges when used to remove a Pattern
    • Vehicles can now be painted


  1. YouTube - The CUSTOMIZER and Update 5 RELEASE DATE - Customizer General Information 1
  2. YouTube - The CUSTOMIZER and Update 5 RELEASE DATE - Customizer General Information 2
  3. YouTube - The CUSTOMIZER and Update 5 RELEASE DATE - Customizer Unlocking
  4. YouTube - The CUSTOMIZER and Update 5 RELEASE DATE - Customizer Colors - General
  5. YouTube - The CUSTOMIZER and Update 5 RELEASE DATE - Customizer Colors - Description
  6. YouTube - The CUSTOMIZER and Update 5 RELEASE DATE - Customizer Default Color - General
  7. YouTube - The CUSTOMIZER and Update 5 RELEASE DATE - Customizer Default Color - Vehicles
  8. YouTube - The CUSTOMIZER and Update 5 RELEASE DATE - Customizer Custom Color
  9. YouTube - The CUSTOMIZER and Update 5 RELEASE DATE - Customizer Color Manager - General
  10. YouTube - The CUSTOMIZER and Update 5 RELEASE DATE - Customizer Color Manager - Saving Color Presets
  11. YouTube - The CUSTOMIZER Guide - Everything You Need To Know Satisfactory Update 6 - Default Assignment
  12. Reddit - TIL: Right click a color swatch and change the default color for newly constructed buildings
  13. YouTube - The CUSTOMIZER and Update 5 RELEASE DATE - Customizer Materials - Build Menu Filter
  14. YouTube - The CUSTOMIZER and Update 5 RELEASE DATE - Customizer Materials - Quick Switch
  15. Reddit - Coated Concrete creating crates?
  16. YouTube - The CUSTOMIZER and Update 5 RELEASE DATE - Customizer Materials - Hotbar Assignment
  17. YouTube - The CUSTOMIZER and Update 5 RELEASE DATE - Customizer Materials - Hotbar Assignment - Tip 1
  18. YouTube - The CUSTOMIZER and Update 5 RELEASE DATE - Customizer Materials - Hotbar Assignment - Tip 2
  19. YouTube - The CUSTOMIZER and Update 5 RELEASE DATE - Using Patterns
  20. Reddit - How did Snutt get a reflective pattern on the floor?
  21. YouTube - Satisfactory Update 5 OUT NOW on Experimental - Patch Notes Video - Snutty Mays & Juice Velvet Talk: Introducing The Customizer™
  22. YouTube - The CUSTOMIZER and Update 5 RELEASE DATE - Theme song for the Customizer