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Patch Notes: Early Access (EXPERIMENTAL) - v0.4.3.1 – Build 165698. This patch was released on 23 September 2021.

The original post can be viewed on Satisfactory's Discord, Reddit, and Steam.


Hi Pioneers!

Hello everybody, first round of 4.26 related fixes coming right up

Did we break something new? Something is still broken and is annoying or preventing your progress? Please let us know over at our QA Site We read your posts every day <3

See you all again soon <3

Bug fixes

  • Fixed UI icons being displayed vertically
  • Fixed Milestone Launch Button disappearing
  • Fixed Vulcan rendering being overexposed, especially in the red channel
  • Fixed rendering issues on Vulkan when using a HDR monitor
  • Fixed DX12/Vulkan specific prompt showing up every time an option was changed
  • Fixed minor issue related to the world grid for Drones
  • Potential fix to the crash on exit for DX12/Vulkan

Known issues

  • Playing on the Early Access version after having changed to DX12 or Vulkan on Experimental might lead to crashes on start-up or other unexpected behaviour, to fix this launch the Experimental version again, switch back to DX11 (default) and then launch the Early Access version again
  • Alternatively, you can fix this by editing the config file as described below:

Enable/Disable DX11/DX12/Vulkan via config file

Consider backing up your config files if you are not used to this kind of stuff

Open the config file (copy paste into file explorer):


To enable DX12 add the following 2 lines to the config file:


To enable Vulkan add the following 2 lines to the config file:


To enable DX11 simply remove the above lines from your config file. DX11 is the default setting when neither of the other 2 options are present

  • A reminder for people who have been having issues with unexpected crashes on startup or weird behaviour with the game, in that case please try to verify your game files.

You can do this on Steam by Right Clicking the game in your Library > Properties > Local Files > Verify integrity of game files...

And on Epic by clicking on the three dots (“...”) next to the title or at the right side, depending on your selected library view > Verify

This may or may not redownload a large amount of files which might take a while depending on your internet connection or hard drive speeds so be wary of that.

If you are using mods, they might need to be updated or uninstalled after updating so please keep this in mind too.