Frame Structures

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Disambig.svg This article is about structures. For the item, see Modular Frame.

Frame Structures are mostly decorative buildings sold as the Structural Frame Set in the AWESOME Shop.


Type Cost Size
Width Length Height
Frame Floor.png Frame Floor 2x  Steel Beam 8m 8m 0.4m
Frame Foundation.png Frame Foundation 5x  Steel Beam 8m 8m 4m
Frame Ramp.png Frame Ramp 5x  Steel Beam 8m 8m 4m
Inverted Frame Ramp.png Inverted Frame Ramp 5x  Steel Beam 8m 8m 4m
Frame Wall.png Frame Wall 2x  Steel Beam 8m 1m 4m
Glass Frame Foundation.png Glass Frame Foundation 2x  Steel Beam
5x  Concrete
8m 8m 1m
  • The icons can be clicked for a larger preview



 Structural Frame Set is unlocked via the AWESOME Shop.png AWESOME Shop using:
FICSIT Coupon.png


Frame Structures can be placed one at a time or up to 10 at once with the Zoop build mode.

Frame Foundations, Ramps and the Floor can be built on their own on the ground, or snap to other structures like walls or foundations. Holding Ctrl while looking at the ground will snap them to the world grid. The Frame Wall has to snap to another wall or foundation.

Frame Foundations can be utilized as a bridge or supportive structure for Conveyor Belts, Pipelines or Hyper Tubes.

Frame Floors can be used for vertical offsets, as their height is 0.4 m.

See also


  • Patch
    • Introduced Frame Floor, Ramp, Inverted Ramp and Wall, as well as the associated Structural Frame Set in the AWESOME Shop
    • Renamed Glass Foundation to Glass Frame Foundation
    • Glass Frame Foundation and Frame Foundation have been moved to the Architecture > Frames category in the build menu, and moved to the Structural Frame Set in the AWESOME Shop
    • Adjusted cost of Glass Frame Foundation and Frame Foundation
    • Frames now cost Steel Beams
    • Glass Frame Foundation now costs 2 Steel Beams and 5 Concrete