Future content/Archive 1.0

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This page is an archive of past versions of the current page.

The contents are kept for reference purposes only, and should be preserved in their current form. Do not add new comments here or edit this page.


Version 1.0 will mark the end of the Early Access period of the game. Players who purchased the game in Early Access will not need to re-purchase the 1.0 release.

Story, Project Assembly Phase 4 (rebalance), Project Assembly Phase 5, Tier 9, Classified Phenomena Research tree, Hard Drive Research rework
New items
Strange Alien Matter, Somersloop, Mercer Sphere, Reanimated SAM, SAM Fluctuator, Diamond, Time Crystal, Packaged Rocket Fuel, Ficsite Ingot, Ficsite Trigon, Dark Matter Crystal, Superposition Oscillator, Singularity Cell, Neural Quantum Processor, AI Expansion Server, Ficsonium, Ficsonium Fuel Rod
New fluids
Excited Photonic Matter, Dark Matter Residue, Rocket Fuel, Ionized Fuel
New buildings
Quantum Encoder, Converter, Mk.6 Conveyor Belt & Lift (1200/min), Dimensional Depot, Alien Power Augmenter, Blueprint Designer Mk.2
Recipe changes
Alt Iron Alloy Ingot, Alt Copper Alloy Ingot, Encased Industrial Beam, Heavy Modular Frame, Computer, Supercomputer, Radio Control Unit, Adaptive Control Unit, Magnetic Field Generator, Alt Uranium Fuel Unit, Synthetic Power Shard
Building changes
Fuel Generator (power output & burn rate), Biomass Burner (Conveyor input), Geothermal Generator (cost), Trains (cost), Truck & Explorer (cost), Programmable Splitter (cost), HUB & MAM (design)
Resource Node changes, biome changes, achievements, ADA dialogue rewrite, new pioneer model, water & waterfall design, various optimizations, Dedicated server improvements (HTTP API), online subsystem changes, flushing the HUB toilet

Release date

10 September 2024 at 3:00 PM (UTC/GMT) / 5:00 PM CEST.[1.0 1][1.0 2][1.0 3]

Save file compatibility

It will be possible to load save files from Update 8, with considerable limitations:[1.0 4]

  • You will not be able to experience the story in full, a major feature of version 1.0.
    • This will, however, not prevent the completion of the game.[1.0 4]
  • Some Milestones and MAM Research unlocks will have to be unlocked again.
  • Resource node changes will cause Miners on affected nodes to produce differently, or stop working entirely if the node is relocated.
  • Recipe changes will cause the efficiency of factories using certain recipes to be reduced. Some factories will stop working entirely.
  • Achievements will not be granted retroactively.
  • Foliage in the world will regrow.


  • Satisfactory will have story content, which is fully written and being prototyped.[1.0 5][1.0 6]
  • The story will be mandatory if you want to complete the game.[1.0 7]
    • Continuing on an Update 8 save file will not properly trigger story triggers, which will however not prevent completing the game (see § Save file compatibility).[1.0 4]
    • Some items may be unlocked exclusively through the story.[1.0 8]
  • The story will not be the primary focus of the game, being referred to more as a "narrative".[1.0 9]
  • The story will be linear[1.0 10] and not contain any cutscenes.[1.0 11][1.0 12]
  • The story was written by Hannah Beuger.[1.0 13]
  • The story has been made smaller than envisioned.[1.0 14]
  • All story dialog will be recorded in the Codex for future reference.[1.0 15]
  • The use of SAM, Mercer Spheres, and Somersloops will be properly implemented.[1.0 16][1.0 17][1.0 18][1.0 19][1.0 20]
    • Both Mercer Spheres and Somersloops will not be "story items", but will have some relevance to the narrative and a purpose in game.[1.0 21]
  • The characters of Caterina Parks (the CEO of FICSIT) and Steve (Caterina's assistant) are not being added to the game.[1.0 22]
  • When using Multiplayer, all co-op players will see the story whenever a Milestone, Project Assembly Phase, or MAM Research is completed. Other individual story elements will only be revealed to individuals based on proximity.[1.0 23]

Space Elevator

Project Assembly as seen in the E3 trailer.
Project Assembly as teased for 1.0.
Project Assembly (partly assembled] as seen in story video.[1.0 24]

Phase 4, originally designed to be a placeholder, and now titled "Propulsion", is being changed to reduce the amounts required to complete as follows:[1.0 25]

Component Update 8 1.0
 Assembly Director System 4000 500
 Magnetic Field Generator 4000 500
 Thermal Propulsion Rocket 1000 250
 Nuclear Pasta 1000 100

Phase 5 is being added, containing Tier 9.[1.0 26] Beside the story, most of the 1.0 update is within the late game.

Project Assembly is now visible in-game. Notably, it looks different than in the 2018 E3 trailer.

Player will see Project Assembly "assembled" as they complete Phases.[1.0 27]


  • Tier 9, which will be the last tier in the game,[1.0 26] and feature the most complex production chains.[1.0 28]
    • Features new buildings and recipes to craft the final Space Elevator parts along with ways to convert resources, create Power Shards, and use Plutonium Waste to make a new power source.
    • Will have Alternate Recipes.[1.0 29]


  • Hard Drive Research
    • Added new tab called Hard Drive Library. The library allows storing scanned Hard Drives without immediately choosing a reward, allowing inexperienced players to search online for help about which reward to pick, and advanced players to choose their rewards more strategically.[1.0 30]
    • Storing multiple Hard Drives in the library narrows down the pool of rewards for newly scanned and re-rolled drives, as rewards will not repeat.[1.0 31] This increases the likelihood of obtaining a desired reward, as the pool is reduced by two options instead of just one (the selected reward).
    • In order to reduce decision paralysis, two recipe choices are presented instead of three.[1.0 32] However, it is possible to re-roll the rewards once, thus being able to choose from four unique alternate recipes from a single Hard Drive.[1.0 33] Re-rolling is also limited by other Hard Drives in the library, just like scanning a Hard Drive anew.[1.0 31]
  • Alien Organisms Research[1.0 34]
    • Renamed to Alien Megafauna.
  • Classified Phenomena Research[1.0 34]
    • New Alien Tech research tree.[1.0 35]
    • You get access to Dimensional Depot when you unlock Steel (Tier 4).
    • You get access to Alien Production Amplification once you reach Tier 5.
    • You get access to Alien Power Augmenters when you reach Tier 6.

New items

  • Reanimated SAM
    • Produced in a Constructor using Strange Alien Matter.[1.0 36]
    • Used to produce Ficsite Ingots in the Converter.[1.0 37]
  • SAM Fluctuator
    • Produced in a Manufacturer from Reanimated SAM, Wire and Steel Pipes.[1.0 36]
    • A completed rendition of the old unreleased SAM Fluctuator.
  • Diamond[1.0 38][1.0 39]
  • Time Crystal[1.0 2][1.0 40]
    • Produced from Diamonds in the Quantum Encoder
New items in 1.0.
Top left: Time Crystal. Top right: Neural Quantum Processor. Bottom left: AI Expansion Server. Bottom right: Ficsite ingot (bottom), New packaged fluid barrel (center).
  • Packaged Rocket Fuel
  • Ficsite Ingot[1.0 41][1.0 42][1.0 37]
    • Produced from Iron Ingots, Caterium Ingots or Aluminum Ingots and Reanimated SAM in the Converter.
  • Ficsite Trigon[1.0 43]
  • Dark Matter Crystal[1.0 47][1.0 2]
    • Produced in the Particle Accelerator using Dark Matter Residue and Diamonds. Dark Matter Crystals are used to make Superposition Oscillators, Singularity Cells and Synthetic Power Shards.
    • A completed rendition of the Quantum Crystal.
  • Singularity Cell[1.0 48]
    • Spherical part, made using Nuclear Pasta, Dark Matter Crystals, Iron Plates and Concrete.[1.0 49]
  • Neural Quantum Processor[1.0 2][1.0 50]
    • Replaces removed Quantum Computers, whose mesh replaces the Supercomputer mesh.
    • Requires Supercomputers, Ficsite Trigons, Time Crystals, and Excited Photonic Matter.
  • AI Expansion Server[1.0 2][1.0 51]
    • Made by combining Excited Photonic Matter, Superposition Oscillator, Neural Quantum Processors, and Magnetic Field Generators.
    • Seen on a Conveyor Belt the pioneer jumps over.
    • Used as a Space Elevator Phase 5 project part.
  • Ficsonium[1.0 52]
    • New radioactive component.[1.0 53]
    • Produced in the Particle Accelerator from Plutonium Waste, Singularity Cells and Dark Matter Residue.
  • Ficsonium Fuel Rod[1.0 54]
    • New nuclear power source.
    • Made by combining Electromagnetic Control Rods, Ficsite Trigons, Excited Photonic Matter, and Ficsonium.
    • Worse than Uranium Fuel Rods in terms of energy, has the fastest burn rate[1.0 55], but also does not produce any waste byproduct.

New fluids

New fluids in 1.0.
Left: Dark Matter Residue. Right: Excited Photonic Matter.
  • Excited Photonic Matter[1.0 56]
    • Produced in the Converter, requiring no solid or fluid inputs.
    • Not a solid, liquid, gas, or plasma,[1.0 57] but does behave like a gas in the game. It is its own thing. There is the explanation given in the video from CSS Game Designer Mark Hofma:
      • In essence, excited photonic matter is a quantum state of matter that doesn't fit into the classical categories of gas, solid, liquid, or plasma. It's an emergent phenomenon that arises from the interactions between light and matter at the quantum level.
  • Dark Matter Residue[1.0 2]
    • Produced by the Quantum Encoder as a byproduct in every recipe.
    • Can also be produced in the Converter.[1.0 58]
    • Can not be packaged, so you need to make Dark Matter Crystals and then sink those.
  • Rocket Fuel[1.0 59]
    • An extension to the Turbofuel production chain.
    • Made by combining Nitric Acid and Turbofuel in Blender. Produces a Compacted Coal byproduct.
    • Can be used in Vehicles, Fuel Generators and have a burn rate of 4.167 m3/min.
      • Therefore, its energy is 3600 MJ/m3 (Turbofuel has 2000 MJ/m3 for reference).
    • Can also be used in the Jetpack, and will provide highly accelerated launch. But it does burn quickly.
  • Ionized Fuel[1.0 60]
    • An extension to the Turbofuel production chain.
    • Made by combining Rocket Fuel and Power Shards (once automatable in Tier 9) in the Refinery. Produces a Compacted Coal byproduct.
    • Can be used in Vehicles, Fuel Generators and have a burn rate of 3 m3/min.
      • Therefore, its energy is 5000 MJ/m3 (Turbofuel has 2000 MJ/m3 for reference).
    • Can also be used in the Jetpack, and will provide highly accelerated launch and slow consumption rate. Ionized Fuel does have a lower velocity ceiling than Rocket Fuel.

New buildings

Quantum Encoder building in 1.0.
Converter building in 1.0.
Converter building in 1.0.
Converter building in 1.0.
Alien Power Augmenter in 1.0
Dimensional Depot Uploader in 1.0
  • Quantum Encoder[1.0 2][1.0 61]
    • 3 Conveyor Belt inputs, 1 pipeline input.
    • 1 Conveyor Belt output, 1 Pipeline output.
    • All recipes in the Quantum Encoder require Excited Photonic Matter and output Dark Matter Residue.[1.0 62]
    • Power usage fluctuates a lot more compared to Particle Accelerators and Converters.
  • Converter[1.0 63][1.0 64][1.0 65]
    • An Octahedral Dome building with 2 Conveyor Belt inputs, 1 Conveyor Belt output, and 1 Pipeline output.
    • Built using SAM Fluctuators.[1.0 66]
    • Shown producing Excited Photonic Matter.
    • Is able to convert raw resources like Iron Ore, Coal, Limestone, etc into each other at the cost of Reanimated SAM.
    • Used to produce Ficsite Ingots
    • Power usage fluctuates.[1.0 67]
  • Conveyor Belt Mk.6
    • Seen at end of Quantum Technology video[1.0 68] and later confirmed.[1.0 69]
    • 1200 items/min.
    • Deviates from the existing Conveyor Belt design pattern, appearing much closer to the Mk.3 belt than the Mk.5 belt.
  • Conveyor Lift Mk.6
    • Along with confirmed Mk.6 Conveyor Belts.[1.0 70]
    • 1200 items/min.
    • Does not show items traveling through, rather has a closed design.
  • Blueprint Designer Mk.2[1.0 71]
    • Size of 40x40x40m (5x5 foundations, 10 walls tall).
    • Blueprints made in the Mk.1 Blueprint Designer will not be able to be directly loaded in the Blueprint Designer Mk.2, but Mk.1 Blueprints can be built in the Mk.2 Blueprint Designer.
  • Alien Power Augmenter[1.0 72]
    • Teased in a video[1.0 73] and later on a Dev Stream.[1.0 74]
    • Shown prominently using a Somersloop which takes the existing power grid and "augments" it to make it better.
    • When placed, the Power Augmenter will automatically generate 500 MW of power by itself.
    • When a Power Augmenter is connected to a power grid circuit it will augment that circuit by 10%. Free Power at the cost of using one Somersloop. This means it is not unlimited, since Somesloops are a limited resource.
    • Alien Power Augmenters Stack
      • While you can build multiple Alien Power Augmenters, all connected to a single power circuit (grid), they don't "boost" power boosts by other Alien Power Augmenters but simply add a power boost from the base power value for the augmented circuit.
      • Power Storage is NOT included in calculating the power boost from a Alien Power Augmenter.
      • Has another, currently unknown function.[1.0 75]
  • Dimensional Depot Uploader[1.0 76]
    • Using Mercer Spheres you will be able to make the Dimensional Depot Uploader, which is a type of storage container.
    • Uploads items to the Dimensional Depot[1.0 77]
      • The Dimensional Depot is linked to your personal Inventory.
      • Items placed in the Dimensional Depot Uploader will be available anywhere on the map by accessing it in your Inventory and downloading the item from the Dimensional Depot. No need for storage hubs.
      • Items in your Inventory can be placed into the Dimensional Depot as needed.
      • There are limited slots, and while downloading from the Dimensional Depot is instant, uploading takes time.
    • Stack Sizes and Upload Speeds are initially limited but there is a method in the MAM[1.0 78] to increase both Dimensional Depot allowable stack sizes as well as the Dimensional Depot upload speeds.
    • If when building you run out of a needed ingredient in your main Inventory, it will automatically grab the ingredient from the Dimensional Depot (if available).[1.0 79]
      • There will be an checkbox which you can specify if you want the build parts to come from the Dimensional Depot first or from your main Inventory first.
      • The Dimensional Depot can only be accessed via the inventory, not automatically for any production lines.
    • A completed rendition of the old unreleased Remote Storage.
  • New Barrier Types.[1.0 80]
    • In both 1 meter and 4 meter versions.
  • New Fences in both clear and opaque types.[1.0 80]
    • Chain link fence. This is very fine, noticeable only by its interference pattern in the video.
    • Glass fence[1.0 81]
  • New Window Types.[1.0 80]
    • 5 new types of windows.

Item changes

Some recipes were changed to allow those in early- to mid-game to have access to some of the "fun" stuff, and to make their use more of a consideration for factories.[1.0 82]

  •  Gas Mask:
  •  Jetpack:
    • Now obtainable right at the start of Tier 5, without needing to unlock Oil Processing first.[1.0 82]
  •  Beacon:
  •  Flower Petals,  Color Cartridge:
  •  Quantum Computer:
    • Removed from game progression.[1.0 85]
    • Obtained items from pre-1.0 save files will remain, but have no use.
    • Its mesh replaces the Supercomputer mesh.
  •  Iron Ingot:
    • Alternate: Iron Alloy Ingot:[1.0 86]
      • Changed recipe craft time from 6 to 12 seconds
      • Changed Iron Ore cost from 2 to 8 (40/min)
      • Changed Copper Ore cost input rate to 10/min
      • Changed Iron Ingot output from 5 to 15 (75/min)
  •  Copper Ingot:
    • Alternate: Copper Alloy Ingot:[1.0 86]
      • Changed recipe craft time from 12 to 6 seconds
      • Changed Copper Ore cost from 10 to 5 (=50/min)
      • Changed Iron Ore cost input rate to 50/min
      • Changed Copper Ingot output from 20 to 10 (=100/min)
  •  Encased Industrial Beam:
    • Default recipe:
      • Changed Steel Beam cost from 4 to 3 (18/min).
      • Changed Concrete cost from 5 to 6 (36/min).
  •  Heavy Modular Frame:
    • No longer used for building in Tier 5 and early Tier 6.[1.0 82]
      • This likely affects, for example, Geothermal Generators or Industrial Fluid Buffers, the exact buildings were not mentioned.
    • Default recipe:[1.0 87]
      • Changed Steel Pipe cost from 15 to 20 (40/min)
      • Changed Screw cost from 100 to 120 (240/min)
  •  Circuit Board:
    • No longer used for unlocking anything.[1.0 82]
  •  Computer:
    • No longer used for building in early Tier 6, now instead used to unlock Tier 7 milestones.
    • Default recipe:
      • No longer uses Screws.[1.0 88]
      • Changed Circuit Board cost from 10 to 4 (10/min).
      • Changed Cable cost from 9 to 8 (20/min).
      • Changed Plastic cost from 18 to 16 (40/min).
  •  Supercomputer:
    • Now uses graphic mesh from Quantum Computer (which was removed as a separate part).[1.0 85]
    • No longer a part of the Caterium Research tree.[1.0 89]
    • Default recipe:
      • Changed Computer cost from 2 to 4 (7.5/min) (assumed, not shown).
    • Super-state Computer:
      • Changed Computer cost from 3 to 6 (7.2/min) (assumed, not shown).
  •  Radio Control Unit:
    • Default recipe:
      • Changed Computer cost from 1 to 2 (2.5/min).
  •  Adaptive Control Unit:
    • Default recipe:
      • Changed Computer cost from 2 to 4 (2/min) (assumed, not shown).
  •  Magnetic Field Generator:
    • Default recipe:
      • Removed Battery cost, now only costs Versatile Frameworks and Electromagnetic Control Rods
      • Changed production building from Manufacturer to Assembler
  •  Electromagnetic Control Rod:
    • No longer used for unlocking anything.[1.0 82]
  •  Uranium Fuel Rod:
    • Alternative: Uranium Fuel Unit:[1.0 84]
      • Changed 6 Beacon cost to 10 Rotor (2/min).
  •  Superposition Oscillator:
    • Now automatable.[1.0 26]
    • Produced in a Quantum Encoder using Excited Photonic Matter, Alclad Aluminum Sheets, Crystal Oscillators, and a Dark Matter Crystal.[1.0 90]
  •  Hard Drive:
    • Has a new UI icon.
  •  Bacon Agaric:
  •  SAM Ore:
    • Renamed to SAM (removing Ore from its name), changing its meaning from Strange Alien Metal to Strange Alien Matter
    • Can be extracted from SAM Resource Nodes continuously as any other ore.[1.0 92]
    • Used to craft Reanimated SAM which is used to craft SAM Fluctuators.
    • Redesigned alongside its Resource Node
Mercer Sphere New Look in 1.0
Somersloop New Look in 1.0

Building changes

New HUB interior in 1.0.
New HUB houseplant in 1.0.


  • New Metallic Finishes like Gold, Copper, etc.[1.0 2][1.0 104][1.0 105]
    • Seen on Golden Pipeline and Golden Valve and use of Copper Metallic Color.
  • Foundation Patterns will be free, removing the cost of customization


  • Every ADA dialog has been completely rewritten.[1.0 106]
  • ADA's dialog window has a new design with a new logo.[1.0 91]

Biome changes

Post-Update 8 Roadmap for Map Changes

The following changes are planned:

  • Western Beaches, Western Dune Forest and Blue Crater biomes will receive "mild to significant foliage changes" and "minor landscape changes unlikely to meaningfully impact factory."[1.0 107]
  • Jungle Spires, Bamboo Fields and Southern Forest biomes will receive "mild to significant foliage changes" and "landscape changes that MAY impact factory."[1.0 107]
  • Paradise Islands will not receive further change, but will not be removed.[1.0 107] Instead, the world border will be moved to allow Pioneers to fully utilize Paradise Island.[1.0 108]
  • The rest of the world will only receive minor polish and half of it will have some fixes to water.[1.0 109]
  • All water features, including waterfalls, will be reworked.[1.0 110]
  • There will not be a snow biome in the game.[1.0 111]

Resource Node changes

Resource Nodes are changing to incentivize exploration and spreading out.[1.0 112] This is done by adding or removing nodes, changing their purity or location. The overall amount of maximum resources per minute is increasing.

The re-introduction of Mk.6 Conveyor Belts was one of the driving forces behind all the Resource Node changes.[1.0 113]

SAM Ore Resource Nodes will behave as any other node, allowing a continuous extraction of  SAM Ore.


12 additional Geysers have been added all over the Map, increasing the total number of Geysers from 18 to 30.[1.0 114][1.0 115][1.0 116]

Some existing Geysers had their purity levels decreased one level, while some other existing Geysers had no change.

Other features

Quality of Life Improvements

  • During construction you only need to aim at a building and based on the what you are constructing game will automatically select the proper connection (input or output port, power connecter, etc.).[1.0 133]
  • Guidelines which show when you hold down Left Ctrl have changed:[1.0 134]
    • They will show a Green Line for Inputs.
    • They will show a Red Line for Outputs.
    • They will show a Blue Line for "Center Mass" when aligning building to building.
    • Also Inputs and Outputs will show a moving dashed line showing direction that items or fluid will travel.[1.0 135]
  • Conveyor Belts Build Modes.[1.0 136]
    • Default Mode where they will build like they do now to include clipping.
    • NEW Straight Mode that will now auto-correct to prevent clipping (if possible) making straight belts with perfect 90° corners.
    • NOTE: This has not been implemented for Pipelines yet.
  • Railways can use Left Ctrl to get straight railways.[1.0 137]
  • Chainsaw Modes.[1.0 138]
    • Area Mode to remove anything within the Chainsaws Area-of-Effect (AoE).
    • Single Mode to only remove the highlighted object.


1.0 will include several game optimizations:[1.0 139]

  • The "colliders" for various types of Foliage are being removed from Vehicles, which will result in the inability to destroy most smaller foliage by driving a Vehicle over them.[1.0 140]
  • Both Conveyor Belts and Pipelines individual segments will be "pooled" into one instance group, thereby reducing the CPU computational load.[1.0 141]
  • The rendering of shadows will improve by use of bigger instance pools allowing for faster computation.[1.0 142]
  • Certain Buildables that don't produce items, nor are interacted with by the Player, called Lightweight Actors, are being converted into "Data Only Objects". This will result in faster game load times, quicker saving times, along with smaller save file sizes, and the overall reduction of UObjects used in game. Common examples of Data Only Objects are Foundations, Walls, Railings, Stairs, etc.[1.0 143][1.0 144]
  • All the machine animations in the game will be processed in the GPU and use Vertex Animations instead of standard animations.[1.0 145][1.0 146]
  • Other optimizations include:[1.0 147]
    • Memory improvements that will lower the VRAM requirements for everyone.
    • Scalability improvements making changes from a lower setting to a higher setting, or vice-versa, better.
    • Unreal Engine 5.3 which comes with some performance improvements due to Epic fixing some issues in UE 5.2, and also had the benefit of fixing some game crashes that players were experiencing.
    • Upgraded upscalers - both Nvidia Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) and AMD FidelityFX™ Super Resolution (FSR) have been upgraded to their respective latest versions.

Dedicated servers

In 1.0, Dedicated servers will be receiving changes and improvements:[1.0 148][1.0 149]

  • Easier to install by reducing the install size.
  • Will only use one port, that being UDP/TCP 7777.
  • Support for both IPv4 and IPv6.
  • Being able to choose between a GUI console application and a terminal application.
  • Support for Transport Layer Security (TLS) end-to-end encryption for both server and game data/traffic.
  • Improved console screen.
  • Easier to create new game sessions.
  • Support for use of Advanced Game Settings.
  • Easier to set up server configuration settings.
  • Server admins will now be able to download the save file directly from within the Server Manager.
  • Autosave and server status notifications will be sent to all clients.
  • Support for HTTP API methods between the server and client.
    • Future mod support will allow use of the HTTP API to perform functions from within mods, and to extend the API functionality.
  • Ability to do level streaming.[1.0 147]

Online subsystem

1.0 will feature improvements to the online subsystem.[1.0 150] The noted changes are:

  • Ability to use Steam Online Service for Steam players.
  • Ability to disable the online subsystem if players know they won't be doing any multiplayer sessions.
  • Ability to connect to a specific IP Address for those who are familiar with networking.

Toilet Flush

Flushing of the toilet in the HUB.[1.0 151]. The animation of the "flush" will be in a clockwise direction.[1.0 152][1.0 153]

Originally announced as downloadable content (DLC) and repeatedly confirmed afterwards (via statements/jokes with varying degrees of deadpan delivery).[DLC 1][DLC 2] The planned cost was $1.[DLC 3][DLC 4][DLC 5] A related Toilet Paper DLC was also hinted at,[DLC 6] with each square to cost $5.[DLC 2]



  1. YouTube - The Satisfactory Roadmap to 1.0 - 2024 Release
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 YouTube - Satisfactory Announcement
  3. YouTube - This Solves the Biggest Problem in Satisfactory... - Version 1.0 Release Date and Time
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 YouTube - World and Recipe changes happening in 1.0! - Game Progression and Story Info
  5. Reference Archive - Instagram - January 22nd, 2021 Instagram AMA - Will you add a lore or a secret story to Satisfactory?
  6. YouTube - September 8th, 2020 Livestream Q&A: Will there be a Story Mode?
  7. YouTube - February 6, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Will the Story mode be optional or required for Tier progression?
  8. YouTube - September 29th, 2020 Livestream - Snutt Talk: WIP (Work In Progress) Items
  9. YouTube - What you need to know about the Story in Satisfactory - Story not main focus of game
  10. YouTube - July 9th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Is the Story linear?
  11. YouTube - July 9th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Will the Story have cutscenes?
  12. YouTube - What you need to know about the Story in Satisfactory - Story won't have cut-scenes or campaigns
  13. November 17th, 2020 Livestream Q&A: Who is Hannah?
  14. YouTube - What you need to know about the Story in Satisfactory - Story was simplified
  15. YouTube - What you need to know about the Story in Satisfactory - Story dialog will be recorded in Codex
  16. 16.0 16.1 YouTube - December 19th, 2019 Livestream - Q&A: Will Mercer Spheres and Somersloops be useful soon?
  17. 17.0 17.1 YouTube - October 6th, 2020 Livestream - Q&A: When are these Work In Progress (WIP) items going to be used?
  18. 18.0 18.1 YouTube - November 17th, 2020 Livestream - Q&A: Any idea when Somersloop, Mercer Sphere, SAM Ore will actually be implemented?
  19. 19.0 19.1 YouTube - January 12th, 2021 Livestream - Q&A: Mercer Spheres and Somersloops?
  20. 20.0 20.1 YouTube - January 26th, 2021 Livestream - Q&A: Do Mercer Spheres and Somersloops get a place in Update 4?
  21. 21.0 21.1 YouTube - What you need to know about the Story in Satisfactory - Mercer Sphere and Somersloop not Story Items
  22. YouTube - What you need to know about the Story in Satisfactory - Previous Story information is obsolete - Caterina Parks and Steve being removed
  23. YouTube - What you need to know about the Story in Satisfactory - Story experience when using Multiplayer
  24. YouTube - What you need to know about the Story in Satisfactory - Version 1.0 - Space Elevator Project Assembly partly assembled
  25. YouTube - NEW MERCH, Vacation, and Something we want to CONFIRM... - Phase 4
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 YouTube - NEW MERCH, Vacation, and Something we want to CONFIRM... - Project Assembly Phase 5 and Tier 9
  27. YouTube - What you need to know about the Story in Satisfactory - Space Elevator Project Assembly partial reveal
  28. YouTube - Let's talk about QUANTUM TECH in Satisfactory - Tier 9 Production Chains
  29. YouTube - September 3rd, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Does Tier 9 have many Alternate Recipes?
  30. We decided to REDO this Feature - Hard Drive Library
  31. 31.0 31.1 We decided to REDO this Feature - Reward pool
  32. We decided to REDO this Feature - Hard Drive Research - Two Choices
  33. We decided to REDO this Feature - Hard Drive re-rolling
  34. 34.0 34.1 We decided to REDO this Feature - New MAM research trees
  35. YouTube - his Solves the Biggest Problem in Satisfactory... - Alien Tech Research Tree
  36. 36.0 36.1 YouTube - This Solves the Biggest Problem in Satisfactory... - Reanimated SAM and SAM Fluctuator
  37. 37.0 37.1 YouTube - Let's talk about QUANTUM TECH in Satisfactory - Ficsite Ingots
  38. YouTube - A Glimpse Into Quantum Technology - New Crystal Resource)
  39. YouTube - Let's talk about QUANTUM TECH in Satisfactory - Diamonds
  40. YouTube - Let's talk about QUANTUM TECH in Satisfactory - Time Crystal
  41. YouTube - A Glimpse Into Quantum Technology - New Gold / Orange Ingots
  42. YouTube - Let's talk about QUANTUM TECH in Satisfactory - FICSIT Ingots
  43. YouTube - Let's talk about QUANTUM TECH in Satisfactory - Ficsite Trigon
  44. YouTube - A Glimpse Into Quantum Technology - New Triangle Part #1
  45. YouTube - A Glimpse Into Quantum Technology - New Triangle Part #2
  46. Twitter - SatisfactoryAF - March 28th, 2024 - quote reply to GoatSimulator
  47. YouTube - Let's talk about QUANTUM TECH in Satisfactory - Dark Matter Crystal
  48. YouTube - Let's talk about QUANTUM TECH in Satisfactory - Ficsonium
  49. YouTube - A Glimpse Into Quantum Technology - Dark Matter
  50. YouTube - Let's talk about QUANTUM TECH in Satisfactory - Neural Quantum Processor
  51. YouTube - Let's talk about QUANTUM TECH in Satisfactory - AI Expansion Server
  52. YouTube - Let's talk about QUANTUM TECH in Satisfactory - Ficsonium
  53. YouTube - A Glimpse Into Quantum Technology - New Radioactive Orb Part
  54. YouTube - Let's talk about QUANTUM TECH in Satisfactory - Ficsonium
  55. YouTube - September 3rd, 2024 Livestream - Intro / State of Dev - Ficsonium Fuel Rods
  56. YouTube - Let's talk about QUANTUM TECH in Satisfactory - Excited Photonic Matter
  57. YouTube - Let's talk about QUANTUM TECH in Satisfactory - Excited Photonic Matter Definition
  58. YouTube - A Glimpse Into Quantum Technology - Excited Photonic Matter
  59. YouTube - This Solves the Biggest Problem in Satisfactory... - Rocket Fuel
  60. YouTube - This Solves the Biggest Problem in Satisfactory... - Ionized Fuel
  61. YouTube - Let's talk about QUANTUM TECH in Satisfactory - Quantum Encoder
  62. YouTube - Let's talk about QUANTUM TECH in Satisfactory - Quantum Encoders require Excited Photonic Matter
  63. YouTube - A Glimpse Into Quantum Technology - Converter #1
  64. YouTube - A Glimpse Into Quantum Technology - Converter #2
  65. YouTube - Let's talk about QUANTUM TECH in Satisfactory - Converter #3
  66. YouTube - Let's talk about QUANTUM TECH in Satisfactory - Excited Photonic Matter - Strange Alien Metal Fluctuators
  67. YouTube - Let's talk about QUANTUM TECH in Satisfactory - Converter Power Fluctuates
  68. YouTube - A Glimpse Into Quantum Technology - Mk.6 Conveyor Belts
  69. YouTube - Let's talk about QUANTUM TECH in Satisfactory - Mk.6 Conveyor Belts
  70. YouTube - Let's talk about QUANTUM TECH in Satisfactory - Mk.6 Conveyor Lifts
  71. YouTube - This Solves the Biggest Problem in Satisfactory... - Blueprint Designer Mk.2
  72. 72.0 72.1 YouTube - This Solves the Biggest Problem in Satisfactory... - Alien Power Augmentor
  73. YouTube - Let's talk about QUANTUM TECH in Satisfactory - Outro
  74. Twitch - September 3, 2034 Dev Stream - Outro
  75. YouTube - This Solves the Biggest Problem in Satisfactory... - Outro
  76. 76.0 76.1 YouTube - This Solves the Biggest Problem in Satisfactory... - Dimensional Depot Uploader
  77. YouTube - This Solves the Biggest Problem in Satisfactory... - Dimensional Depot Usage
  78. YouTube - This Solves the Biggest Problem in Satisfactory... - Dimensional Depot Improvements
  79. YouTube - This Solves the Biggest Problem in Satisfactory... - Dimensional Depot Use of Inventgory
  80. 80.0 80.1 80.2 YouTube - This Solves the Biggest Problem in Satisfactory... - New Barriers, Fences, and Window Types
  81. YouTube - A Glimpse Into Quantum Technology - New Fence Type
  82. 82.0 82.1 82.2 82.3 82.4 82.5 82.6 82.7 82.8 82.9 YouTube - World and Recipe changes happening in 1.0! - Item Changes
  83. 83.0 83.1 YouTube - These things are NOT coming in 1.0 - Removed Items
  84. 84.0 84.1 YouTube - These things are NOT coming in 1.0 - Recipe Rebalancing Info
  85. 85.0 85.1 YouTube - Let's talk about QUANTUM TECH in Satisfactory - Supercomputers New Mesh
  86. 86.0 86.1 YouTube - We decided to REDO this Feature - Recipe changes
  87. YouTube - World and Recipe changes happening in 1.0! - Heavy Modular Frame Recipe Change
  88. YouTube - World and Recipe changes happening in 1.0! - Computer Recipe Change
  89. 89.0 89.1 89.2 YouTube - World and Recipe changes happening in 1.0! - Supercomputer Changes
  90. YouTube - Let's talk about QUANTUM TECH in Satisfactory - Superposition Oscillator
  91. 91.0 91.1 YouTube - What you need to know about the Story in Satisfactory - ADA Dialog Completely Using New Logo
  92. YouTube - This Solves the Biggest Problem in Satisfactory... - Strange Alien Matter (SAM)
  93. YouTube - What you need to know about the Story in Satisfactory - Somersloop changed look
  94. YouTube - Let's talk about QUANTUM TECH in Satisfactory - Synthetic Power Shards
  95. YouTube - A Glimpse Into Quantum Technology - Power Shard Production
  96. YouTube - World and Recipe changes happening in 1.0! - Recipe Changes (Other)
  97. YouTube - World and Recipe changes happening in 1.0! - Fuel Generator Changes
  98. YouTube - These things are NOT coming in 1.0 - Sneak Peek
  99. YouTube - What you need to know about the Story in Satisfactory - Somersloop changed look
  100. Twitter - SatisfactoryAF - August 7th, 2024
  101. YouTube - What you need to know about the Story in Satisfactory - Drop Pod changed look
  102. YouTube - A Glimpse Into Quantum Technology - New Particle Accelerator Sound
  103. YouTube - This Solves the Biggest Problem in Satisfactory... - Drones can use Packaged Fuel
  104. YouTube - A Glimpse Into Quantum Technology - Copper Metallic Color.
  105. YouTube - This Solves the Biggest Problem in Satisfactory... - New Customizer Metallic Finishes
  106. YouTube - What you need to know about the Story in Satisfactory - ADA Dialog Completely Rewritten
  107. 107.0 107.1 107.2 The World is Changing in Satisfactory
  108. YouTube - May 2nd, 2023 Livestream - Q&A: Any news on Paradise Island?
  109. Everything you need to know about the Update 5 Map Changes (and more)
  110. 110.0 110.1 YouTube - July 9th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Has the animation for water been improved?
  111. YouTube - March 2nd, 2021 Livestream - Q&A: Is there a winter zone?
  112. YouTube - World and Recipe changes happening in 1.0! - Resource Node changes
  113. YouTube - Let's talk about QUANTUM TECH in Satisfactory - Reason For Resource Node Changes
  114. YouTube - World and Recipe changes happening in 1.0! - Geysers
  115. YouTube - June 25, 2024 Livestream - State of Dev - Resource Node Changes - Geysers
  116. YouTube - June 25, 2024 Livestream - State of Dev - Resource Node Changes - No Geysers Removed
  117. Twitter - SatisfactoryAF - February 9th, 2024, in reply to "when achievements"
  118. YouTube - August 13, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Will we have Steam Achievements?
  119. YouTube - September 3rd, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Can you get achievements before 1.0? - Epic Games will have Achievements
  120. YouTube - August 27th, 2024 Livestream - Advanced Game Settings Disable Achievements
  121. YouTube - September 3rd, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Can you get achievements before 1.0? - AGS Disables all Achievements
  122. YouTube - August 27th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Are achievements disabled if the session is Modded?
  123. YouTube - September 3rd, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Can you get achievements before 1.0? - Game Mods Will Not Disable Achievements
  124. YouTube - Next-Gen Pioneer: An Updated Look
  125. YouTube - These things are NOT coming in 1.0 - Big Crab
  126. YouTube - July 2nd, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Will more Music be added to 1.0?
  127. YouTube - The World is Changing in Satisfactory - Completion of World Perimeter
  128. YouTube - A Glimpse Into Quantum Technology - New Vistas
  129. YouTube - What you need to know about the Story in Satisfactory - New Look of Water
  130. YouTube - August 13, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Will swimming be improved?
  131. YouTube - A Glimpse Into Quantum Technology - New Window Designs
  132. YouTube - This Solves the Biggest Problem in Satisfactory... - Alien Production Amplification
  133. YouTube - This Solves the Biggest Problem in Satisfactory... - QoL Improvement - Aiming at Buildings
  134. YouTube - This Solves the Biggest Problem in Satisfactory... - QoL Improvement - Guidelines
  135. YouTube - This Solves the Biggest Problem in Satisfactory... - QoL Improvement - Conveyor Belt Build Modes
  136. YouTube - This Solves the Biggest Problem in Satisfactory... - QoL Improvement - Aiming at Buildings
  137. YouTube - This Solves the Biggest Problem in Satisfactory... - QoL Improvement - Straight Railways using Ctrl Key
  138. YouTube - This Solves the Biggest Problem in Satisfactory... - QoL Improvement - Chainsaw Modes
  139. YouTube - Optimization Coming in 1.0! - Intro
  140. YouTube - Optimization Coming in 1.0! - Foliage
  141. YouTube - Optimization Coming in 1.0! - Belts and Pipes
  142. YouTube - Optimization Coming in 1.0! - Shadow Rendering
  143. YouTube - Optimization Coming in 1.0! - Lightweight Actors
  144. YouTube - May 7th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Does the announced Belt optimization impact the in-game Object Limit? (Mentions Lightweight Actors)
  145. YouTube - May 7th, 2024 Livestream - State of Dev - Missed discussing vertex animations in last week's video
  146. YouTube - September 3rd, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: How does optimisation generally work when a player creates large structures?
  147. 147.0 147.1 YouTube - Optimization Coming in 1.0! - Other
  148. Reddit - Dedicated Servers have LEVELED UP! - Video Bookmarks
  149. YouTube - Dedicated Servers have LEVELED UP! - General
  150. YouTube - Dedicated Servers have LEVELED UP! - Online Subsystem
  151. YouTube - Satisfactory Announcement - Toilet Flush Release Date
  152. YouTube - July 9th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Will the Toilet flush clockwise or counter-clockwise?
  153. YouTube - NEW MERCH, Vacation, and Something we want to CONFIRM... - Toilet Flush Animation