Space Giraffe-Tick-Penguin-Whale Thing

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The Space Giraffe-Tick-Penguin-Whale Thing (most commonly referred to as a "Bean" by the community and also sometimes referred to as "Land Whale", "Chonky Boy"[1], "Mr. Bean"[1], "Steve"[2][3], or "Tim",[3]) is a passive land creature found throughout the world. A statue of it can be bought in the AWESOME Shop where it is referred to as a "Confusing Creature".


It looks like a whale from a distance, however, a closer look reveals a bird-like beak and head with small eyes, indicating that it may have poor eyesight. It has four very long legs, which it uses to move around and swim.


The Space Giraffe-Tick-Penguin-Whale Thing is a passive creature. It will not attack the pioneer and will not run away when approached. If attacked by a pioneer, it will attempt to gallop away from the pioneer before settling down again a short while after. It is bouncy and propels the pioneer high up into the air when jumped on, even if dead.

Occasionally it will raise itself onto its hind legs and then drop back down.

Space Giraffe-Tick-Penguin-Whale Things can be sometimes found swimming, but with no special animation attributed to it, making it look like they're just floating in the water. Their long legs help them to move in deep waters.

It makes low-pitched sounds when nearby, which sound similar to water-dwelling whales found on Earth.


  • According to CSS UI/UX Designer Nathalie Verweij the Space Giraffe-Tick-Penguin-Whale Thing was originally designed by former CSS Level Designer Michiel Werring.[4]
  • The Space Giraffe-Tick-Penguin-Whale Thing isn't referred to anywhere in-game except for its statue, its name comes from the Patch Closed Alpha 5 (and Patch 0.1) patch notes, which mentioned it for the first time. Later patch notes continue to refer to it as such, or as Space Whale/Tick/Giraffe, Space Giraffe/Tick/Whale/Penguin, or similar terms.
  • It has the most health out of any creature in the game, twice as much as the pioneer.
  • The community commonly calls it a "Bean" as shorthand. Some other names less commonly used are "Whalephant", "Tall Boi" or "Mr. Plum".
    • When viewed in the Codex, it is listed as "Unknown File Error #6265616e". If this number is run through a hexadecimal to ASCII converter, it translates to "bean".
  • This is Snutt's favorite page.[5]
  • On April 1, 2021, the April Fools Special Event was introduced. This event was repeated on April 1, 2022. During both events, the Space Giraffe-Tick-Penguin-Whale-Thing appeared smaller.

Current issues

  • The Space Giraffe will sometimes stop its walking animation after being attacked and switch to its unanimated default pose.
  • The path-finding of Space Giraffes is not fully implemented "as intended", they re-use the path-finding meant for smaller creatures.[citation needed] Therefore, they can be seen pathing through factories or even Walkway Ramps despite their large body size.


