User:SignpostMarv/Unplanned content

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This page is dedicated to all streams, sneak peaks, leaks, and videos that have been officially released by Coffee Stain Studios about unplanned content. Content will be removed and added to this page as we see things changes to the direction of the game, or content otherwise mentioned in official media.

Unplanned Features

These are features that do not exist in Satisfactory natively, either by being prototyped/discussed early in the development of the game (e.g. procedural generation), outside the scope of the design of the game (e.g. base defense), or are otherwise stated to not be added to Satisfactory.

Aerial Travel

I think if you have like air transport- the same thing; you shrink the map you just gonna make things easier and then you're just going raise the bar for what is good or bad.
~ Jace

While not as declared outright as much as other features, the inclusion of the Jetpack appears to be as far as vehicular aerial travel goes, with the impression relayed by CM Jace being that air transport would artificially deflate the difficulty curve and enjoyment of Satisfactory.[1]

Base Defense

no there won't be a base defensive game yeah that's something we've never even prototyped. It was a plan initially- the very very beginning of the game like if you were to listen to the first pitch of the game and involve base defense, it involved you know like pollution and affecting the environment. Base defense is something that we've decided we'll not be part of the game
~ Snutt & Jace

Given the frequent comparisons of "Satisfactory being a 3d Factorio",[citation needed] base defense is a feature that the Satisfactory community frequently enquires about. It has always been ruled out, to the point at which the Satisfactory Wiki article trivia section is perhaps becoming excessively long.

Mass Building

Mass building covers a variety of related topics that all share the common trait of batch creation of objects.

  • we we don't know maybe maybe not it's a very debated thing internally whether or not it it's like what's part like if it will break the fun of the game um I know it's tedious for end game but like a lot of people maybe don't reach that um so it's it's a big unknown for us right now

    Snutt on Blueprints
  • this comes up every few streams no we're not gonna have blueprints um it's an ongoing discussion which you know of course that can change but so far every time we think about it or talk about it the decision is no blueprints

    Jace on Blueprints
  • that's something that's uh talked about pretty often but the uh plan right now is no, this we will not do

    Jace on placing more than one foundation at once
  • click and drag functionality for building is not a thing that we want currently

    Jace on click & drag building creation

Procedural Generation

While there are many games that use procedural generation for their world maps,[2] and some resources have randomised deposit locations, Satisfactory will not have procedurally generated maps.

No that's because we don't want to do it, we prefer it to have it in this fashion we like the idea of handcrafting everything tuning it to exactly how we want and it looking exactly the way it should
~ Jace on if the lack of procedural generation is due to an engine limitation

Space Exploration


VR Support

Unplanned changes to existing features

Expanding the world map

While there are plans to flesh out existing areas of the world,[citation needed] there are no plans to increase the overall size.[3]

Additional biomes

we're not going to add any new biomes we're going to improve the biomes we have because the biomes aren't done
~ Snutt

Snow biomes have been ruled out directly by the Satisfactory Level Designer Hannah,[4] or their exclusion has been communicated via CM Snutt such as underwater biomes.[5]

Previously Unplanned Features

Some features have been previously referred to as unplanned, such as pipes, and zip lines.

In the case of pipes, their non-existence from alpha through Update 2 had been adopted as a meme to the point that their status as being unplanned content was maintained by Coffee Stain right up until the trailer for Update 3 had dropped.[6]

Zip lines had previously been enquired about by the community with the response from Coffee Stain being that there were no plans.[7] Several "leaks" for Update 4 later developed into a confirmation that the use of powerlines as a means of traversal would be added.[8]
