AWESOME Sink/Theoretical maximum of points

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Since Satisfactory map has finite amount of resource nodes, the amount of maximum resources generated per minute is finite, and the amount of sink points generated per minute is finite too.

Determining the amount of these resources generated is a linear optimization problem. And since the addition of somersloops, that also becomes an integer optimization problem.

There are tools to deal with these problems, one of these tools is a Google OrTools package with CBC_MIXED_INTEGER_PROGRAMMING backend.

I think these results are final but there may be some mistakes.

There are also some important preconditions that may affect end result. These are the main ones:

  • What clock speed do we use for buildings? For miners, power generation, and buildings with somersloops inside the only correct answer is 250%. But for other buildings you can go as low as 1% to save some power (and use those resources to generate more sink points). Here I will do calculations for 3 different power amounts:
    • 1% as an absolute theoretcial maximum, totally not feasible to build
    • 100% as the default and mid-point amount
    • 250% as the most realistically buildable amount
  • Do we research the power amplification technology in a MAM? The most optimal solution is to not use power amplifiers at all, so it is possible to save 1 somersloop by not researching power amplifiers. For the calculations below I assume that this 1 extra somersloop is available. If you are going to build some of these and you already spent this somersloop, remove it from one of the AI Expansion Server buildings.
  • Do we allow to store uranium/plutonium waste indefinitely? By doing that it is possible to generate more points. But for the calculations below the answer is no

There are 106 somersloops, 3 or 2 are used for research, 103 or 104 remaining to be used.

Also interesting points:

  • Fewer alternate recipes used than expected. Alternate recipes often use less amount of rarer resources. But since the map has abundance of basic resources, it is more efficient to use those.
  • Plutonium/ficsonium is not used for power. Ficsonium requires SAM and that is too precious of a resource to use on the power. So optimal bases only use uranium rods and sink plutonium fuel rods like in stone age.

1% clock speed buildings, 104 Somersloops

  • Sink points per minute: 511,736,654
  • Alien power amplifiers: 0
  • Extra power:
    • 7100MW from geothermal generators
    • -30MW for a single sink
Sink object Amount per minute Sink points per minute
Sink Uranium 284.532722 9958.645272
Sink Assembly Director System 186.9540963 93509952.06
Sink Ballistic Warp Drive 120 347440080
Sink AI Expansion Server 116.6666667 69726066.67
Sink Plutonium Fuel Rod 6.808002292 1042877.023
Recipes and mining
Recipe name Building count Cycles per minute Power used (MW) Clock speed Somersloops
Ballistic Warp Drive 24 60 17728.92 2.5 4 (96)
AI Expansion Server 2 20 26862 2.5 4 (8)
Alternate: Iron Wire 505124.6908 12628.11727 4587.780055 0.01 0
Alternate: Pure Iron Ingot 255275.3222 12763.76611 17388.97919 0.01 0
Alternate: Pure Copper Ingot 231487.7964 5787.194909 15768.60794 0.01 0
Cable 124636.0642 37390.81926 1132.003364 0.01 0
Alternate: Steamed Copper Sheet 113014.3044 8476.07283 7698.368061 0.01 0
Alternate: Iron Pipe 96085.54941 4804.277471 872.6941588 0.01 0
Automated Wiring 74781.63851 1869.540963 2547.007569 0.01 0
Modular Frame 69325.64635 693.2564635 2361.180492 0.01 0
Alternate: Pure Aluminum Ingot 66858.34895 20057.50469 607.2389756 0.01 0
Stator 61619.90508 3080.995254 2098.728615 0.01 0
Alternate: Silicon Circuit Board 59952.76255 1498.819064 2041.946968 0.01 0
Alternate: Compacted Steel Ingot 55072.7448 1376.81862 2000.786299 0.01 0
Alternate: Fused Quickwire 47514.05978 3563.554484 1618.293906 0.01 0
Time Crystal 43888.88889 2633.333333 24913.7209 0.01 0
Alternate: Stitched Iron Plate 42307.01138 793.2564635 1440.94567 0.01 0
Alternate: Heavy Oil Residue 41165.01671 4116.501671 2804.100345 0.01 0
Alternate: Encased Industrial Pipe 39552.4873 1582.099492 1347.128607 0.01 0
Alternate: Insulated Crystal Oscillator 39537.07606 741.320176 4937.546943 0.01 0
Adaptive Control Unit 37390.81926 373.9081926 4669.513877 0.01 0
Alternate: Recycled Rubber 35809.36744 1790.468372 2439.2814 0.01 0
Alternate: Caterium Computer 31262.5736 1172.34651 3904.194242 0.01 0
Alternate: Recycled Plastic 29592.9837 1479.649185 2015.83049 0.01 0
AI Limiter 26349.80266 1317.490133 897.4548856 0.01 0
Alternate: Wet Concrete 25808.32069 5161.664139 1758.024817 0.01 0
Assembly Director System 24927.21284 186.9540963 849.0025231 0.01 0
Alclad Aluminum Sheet 23044.54451 2304.454451 784.8802254 0.01 0
Alternate: Steel Rod 21878.24579 2625.389495 198.7085199 0.01 0
Screw 21824.80418 2182.480418 198.223138 0.01 0
Alternate: Diluted Fuel 21787.15915 2178.715915 3710.273029 0.01 0
Residual Rubber 20582.50836 2058.250836 1402.050172 0.01 0
Alternate: Fused Wire 19156.46259 574.6938778 652.455017 0.01 0
Alternate: Crystal Computer 18703.36632 311.7227719 637.0228913 0.01 0
Alternate: Coated Iron Plate 17874.19638 1340.564728 608.7819735 0.01 0
Packaged Turbofuel 17388.5589 1738.85589 394.8276789 0.01 0
Alternate: Heavy Encased Frame 16875.72791 158.2099492 2107.507866 0.01 0
Alternate: Pure Caterium Ingot 15162.86759 1819.544111 1032.872221 0.01 0
Smart Plating 15000 300 510.8889602 0.01 0
Modular Engine 15000 150 1873.259521 0.01 0
Electromagnetic Control Rod 14404.24893 288.0849786 490.5981172 0.01 0
Alternate: Electrode Aluminum Scrap 13371.66979 2005.750469 910.8584634 0.01 0
Copper Powder 12000 1200 108.9896448 0.01 0
Alternate: Super-State Computer 11817.53179 283.6207629 1475.820262 0.01 0
Alternate: Sloppy Alumina 10028.75234 2005.750469 683.1438476 0.01 0
Alternate: Quartz Purification 9884.269014 494.2134507 673.3018558 0.01 0
Magnetic Field Generator 9666.666667 48.33333333 329.2395521 0.01 0
Alternate: Classic Battery 9454.025432 709.0519074 1180.65621 0.01 0
Coal (Limestone) 9368.746095 936.8746095 5318.209945 0.01 0
Alternate: Turbo Diamonds 8694.279449 1738.85589 9870.691972 0.01 0
Reanimated SAM 8500 2550 77.20099843 0.01 0
Petroleum Coke 8134.88147 813.488147 554.1361514 0.01 0
Radio Control Unit 7884.535195 98.55668993 984.6520413 0.01 0
Alternate: Turbo Blend Fuel 7728.248399 579.6186299 1316.092263 0.01 0
Nitric Acid 7342.267597 734.2267597 1250.361153 0.01 0
Alternate: Cheap Silica 7283.898593 546.2923945 248.0842252 0.01 0
Alternate: Dark Matter Trap 7166.666667 2150 16272.75947 0.01 0
Alternate: Rigor Motor 6971.363066 87.14203833 870.6114824 0.01 0
Sulfuric Acid 6860.028092 686.0028092 467.2950159 0.01 0
Alternate: Copper Rotor 6597.023011 247.3883629 224.6897484 0.01 0
Alternate: Leached Caterium Ingot 6440.845139 386.4507083 438.7408901 0.01 0
Thermal Propulsion Rocket 6000 30 749.3038083 0.01 0
Nuclear Pasta 6000 30 13623.70561 0.01 0
Alternate: Coated Iron Canister 5796.186299 869.4279449 197.4138394 0.01 0
Alternate: Compacted Coal 5507.27448 275.363724 187.5737155 0.01 0
Bauxite (Caterium) 5255.236935 525.5236935 2983.15837 0.01 0
Excited Photonic Matter 5125 1025 2909.228801 0.01 0
Alternate: Distilled Silica 4942.134507 494.2134507 841.6273198 0.01 0
Ficsite Trigon 4833.333333 483.3333333 43.89860695 0.01 0
Alternate: Uranium Fuel Unit 4538.668195 9.07733639 566.8068938 0.01 0
Superposition Oscillator 4333.333333 216.6666667 9839.342937 0.01 0
Alternate: Heat Exchanger 4280.800229 428.0800229 145.8009052 0.01 0
Encased Plutonium Cell 4084.801375 204.2400688 139.1253285 0.01 0
Pressure Conversion Cube 4072.165503 40.72165503 138.69496 0.01 0
Alternate: Alclad Casing 3944.937019 295.8702764 134.3616515 0.01 0
Encased Uranium Cell 3630.934556 181.5467278 618.3347933 0.01 0
Alternate: Cooling Device 3600 90 613.0667522 0.01 0
Alternate: Heat-Fused Frame 3357.388501 100.721655 571.7509068 0.01 0
Alternate: Flexible Framework 3222.222222 120.8333333 402.403897 0.01 0
Neural-Quantum Processor 3222.222222 96.66666667 7316.434492 0.01 0
Singularity Cell 3000 30 374.6519041 0.01 0
Plutonium Fuel Rod 2723.200917 6.808002292 340.0841363 0.01 0
Non-Fissile Uranium 2723.200917 68.08002292 463.751095 0.01 0
Alternate: Molded Beam 2060.109545 103.0054772 74.84353587 0.01 0
AI Expansion Server 1916.666667 76.66666667 4352.017068 0.01 0
Ficsite Ingot (Aluminum) 1611.111111 483.3333333 914.5543115 0.01 0
Alternate: Steel Screw 1590.105077 79.50525385 14.4420823 0.01 0
Alternate: Turbo Electric Motor 1370.904531 12.85222998 171.2039976 0.01 0
Plutonium Pellet 1361.600458 13.61600458 1545.836983 0.01 0
Bauxite (Copper) 1209.350304 120.9350304 686.4930213 0.01 0
Alternate: Molded Steel Pipe 819.5070625 81.95070625 29.77259456 0.01 0
Alternate: Turbo Pressure Motor 571.8216018 10.72165503 71.41135065 0.01 0
Empty Fluid Tank 428.8662013 257.3197208 3.895164581 0.01 0
Packaged Nitrogen Gas 428.8662013 257.3197208 9.737911452 0.01 0
Alternate: Oil-Based Diamonds 125.2474932 25.04949864 142.1945813 0.01 0
Burn Uranium Fuel Rod in Nuclear Power Plant 54.46401834 27.23200917 -340400.1146 2.5 0
Mining Iron Ore using Miner Mk.3 on a Impure node 39 11700 5892.85125 2.5 0
Mining Iron Ore using Miner Mk.3 on a Normal node 42 25200 6346.1475 2.5 0
Mining Iron Ore using Miner Mk.3 on a Pure node 46 55200 6950.5425 2.5 0
Mining Copper Ore using Miner Mk.3 on a Impure node 13 3900 1964.28375 2.5 0
Mining Copper Ore using Miner Mk.3 on a Normal node 29 17400 4381.86375 2.5 0
Mining Copper Ore using Miner Mk.3 on a Pure node 13 15600 1964.28375 2.5 0
Mining Limestone using Miner Mk.3 on a Impure node 15 4500 2266.48125 2.5 0
Mining Limestone using Miner Mk.3 on a Normal node 49 29400 7403.83875 2.5 0
Mining Limestone using Miner Mk.3 on a Pure node 30 36000 4532.9625 2.5 0
Mining Coal using Miner Mk.3 on a Impure node 15 4500 2266.48125 2.5 0
Mining Coal using Miner Mk.3 on a Normal node 31 18600 4684.06125 2.5 0
Mining Coal using Miner Mk.3 on a Pure node 16 19200 2417.58 2.5 0
Mining Caterium Ore using Miner Mk.3 on a Normal node 9 5400 1359.88875 2.5 0
Mining Caterium Ore using Miner Mk.3 on a Pure node 8 9600 1208.79 2.5 0
Mining Raw Quartz using Miner Mk.3 on a Impure node 3 900 453.29625 2.5 0
Mining Raw Quartz using Miner Mk.3 on a Normal node 7 4200 1057.69125 2.5 0
Mining Raw Quartz using Miner Mk.3 on a Pure node 7 8400 1057.69125 2.5 0
Mining Sulfur using Miner Mk.3 on a Impure node 6 1800 906.5925 2.5 0
Mining Sulfur using Miner Mk.3 on a Normal node 5 3000 755.49375 2.5 0
Mining Sulfur using Miner Mk.3 on a Pure node 5 6000 755.49375 2.5 0
Mining Uranium using Miner Mk.3 on a Impure node 3 900 453.29625 2.5 0
Mining Uranium using Miner Mk.3 on a Normal node 2 1200 302.1975 2.5 0
Mining Bauxite using Miner Mk.3 on a Impure node 5 1500 755.49375 2.5 0
Mining Bauxite using Miner Mk.3 on a Normal node 6 3600 906.5925 2.5 0
Mining Bauxite using Miner Mk.3 on a Pure node 6 7200 906.5925 2.5 0
Mining SAM using Miner Mk.3 on a Impure node 10 3000 1510.9875 2.5 0
Mining SAM using Miner Mk.3 on a Normal node 6 3600 906.5925 2.5 0
Mining SAM using Miner Mk.3 on a Pure node 3 3600 453.29625 2.5 0
Mining Crude Oil using Oil Extractor on a Impure node 10 1500 1343.1 2.5 0
Mining Crude Oil using Oil Extractor on a Normal node 12 3600 1611.72 2.5 0
Mining Crude Oil using Oil Extractor on a Pure node 8 4800 1074.48 2.5 0
Mining Crude Oil using Resource Well Extractor on a Impure node 8 600 0 2.5 0
Mining Crude Oil using Resource Well Extractor on a Normal node 6 900 0 2.5 0
Mining Crude Oil using Resource Well Extractor on a Pure node 4 1200 0 2.5 0
Mining Crude Oil using Resource Well Pressurizer 3 1510.9875 2.5 0
Mining Nitrogen Gas using Resource Well Extractor on a Impure node 2 150 0 2.5 0
Mining Nitrogen Gas using Resource Well Extractor on a Normal node 7 1050 0 2.5 0
Mining Nitrogen Gas using Resource Well Extractor on a Pure node 36 10800 0 2.5 0
Mining Nitrogen Gas using Resource Well Pressurizer 6 3021.975 2.5 0
Mining Water using Water Extractor on a Normal node 170006.6146 204007.9375 7720.400226 0.01 0

100% clock speed buildings, 104 Somersloops

  • Sink points per minute: 480,377,743
  • Alien power amplifiers: 0
  • Extra power:
    • 7100MW from geothermal generators
    • -30MW for a single sink
Sink object Amount per minute Sink points per minute
Sink Assembly Director System 122.519829 61281477.99
Sink Ballistic Warp Drive 120 347440080
Sink AI Expansion Server 116.6666667 69726066.67
Sink Plutonium Fuel Rod 12.6 1930118.4
Recipes and mining
Recipe name Building count Cycles per minute Power used (MW) Clock speed Somersloops
Ballistic Warp Drive 24 60 17728.92 2.5 4 (96)
AI Expansion Server 4 40 30219.75 2.5 2 (8)
Alternate: Iron Wire 4219.553805 10548.88451 16878.21522 1 0
Alternate: Pure Iron Ingot 2546.014986 12730.07493 76380.44957 1 0
Alternate: Pure Copper Ingot 2244.900663 5612.251658 67347.0199 1 0
Alternate: Steamed Copper Sheet 1025.834889 7693.761665 30775.04666 1 0
Alternate: Iron Pipe 975.0411414 4875.205707 3900.164565 1 0
Cable 816.7988599 24503.9658 3267.19544 1 0
Burn Rocket Fuel in Fuel-Powered Generator 719.2748033 1498.489174 -449546.7521 2.5 0
Alternate: Pure Aluminum Ingot 667.9062379 20037.18714 2671.624951 1 0
Stator 566.2588001 2831.294001 8493.882002 1 0
Alternate: Fused Quickwire 534.4838525 4008.628894 8017.257788 1 0
Automated Wiring 490.079316 1225.19829 7351.189739 1 0
Alternate: Silicon Circuit Board 471.8271723 1179.567931 7077.407585 1 0
Time Crystal 438.8888889 2633.333333 109722.2222 1 0
Iron Plate 436.2829254 4362.829254 1745.131701 1 0
Alternate: Heavy Oil Residue 420 4200 12600 1 0
Alternate: Compacted Steel Ingot 358.7096232 896.7740579 5739.35397 1 0
Alternate: Steeled Frame 343.0750255 343.0750255 5146.125382 1 0
Alternate: Pure Caterium Ingot 334.0524078 4008.628894 10021.57224 1 0
Alternate: Cheap Silica 295.1475665 2213.606748 4427.213497 1 0
Alternate: Insulated Crystal Oscillator 284.528938 533.4917587 15649.09159 1 0
Alternate: Encased Industrial Pipe 283.8724197 1135.489679 4258.086296 1 0
Alternate: Caterium Computer 279.9815076 1049.930653 15398.98292 1 0
Alclad Aluminum Sheet 273.8587891 2738.587891 4107.881837 1 0
AI Limiter 271.0451758 1355.225879 4065.677637 1 0
Adaptive Control Unit 245.039658 245.039658 13477.18119 1 0
Alternate: Recycled Rubber 228.3531375 1141.765688 6850.594126 1 0
Alternate: Wet Concrete 225.9865397 4519.730794 6779.596191 1 0
Residual Rubber 210 2100 6300 1 0
Electromagnetic Control Rod 205.4335301 410.8670602 3081.502951 1 0
Alternate: Recycled Plastic 187.238734 936.1936699 5617.162019 1 0
Packaged Turbofuel 175.5555556 1755.555556 1755.555556 1 0
Alternate: Stitched Iron Plate 175.3155646 328.7166836 2629.733469 1 0
Alternate: Cast Screw 172.3159678 430.7899196 689.2638714 1 0
Alternate: Diluted Fuel 171.2539444 1712.539444 12844.04583 1 0
Assembly Director System 163.359772 122.519829 2450.39658 1 0
Alternate: Steel Rotor 155.0695361 775.3476803 2326.043041 1 0
Smart Plating 150 300 2250 1 0
Modular Engine 150 150 8250 1 0
Alternate: Turbo Blend Fuel 148.4180754 1113.135565 11131.35565 1 0
Alternate: Electrode Aluminum Scrap 133.5812476 2003.718714 4007.437427 1 0
Alternate: Heavy Encased Frame 121.1188991 113.5489679 6661.539449 1 0
Copper Powder 120 1200 480 1 0
Alternate: Pure Quartz Crystal 101.6174778 762.1310839 3048.524335 1 0
Burn Uranium Fuel Rod in Nuclear Power Plant 100.8 50.4 -630000 2.5 0
Alternate: Sloppy Alumina 100.1859357 2003.718714 3005.57807 1 0
Magnetic Field Generator 96.66666667 48.33333333 1450 1 0
Petroleum Coke 94.61901292 946.1901292 2838.570388 1 0
Alternate: Crystal Computer 94.58375003 157.6395834 1418.756251 1 0
Alternate: Super-State Computer 91.32770652 219.1864957 5023.023859 1 0
Coal (Limestone) 88.09328193 880.9328193 22023.32048 1 0
Alternate: Turbo Diamonds 87.77777778 1755.555556 43888.88889 1 0
Radio Control Unit 87.02840692 108.7855087 4786.562381 1 0
Reanimated SAM 85 2550 340 1 0
Alternate: Infused Uranium Cell 84 420 4620 1 0
Alternate: Uranium Fuel Unit 84 16.8 4620 1 0
Encased Plutonium Cell 75.6 378 1134 1 0
Alternate: Classic Battery 73.06216522 547.9662391 4018.419087 1 0
Alternate: Dark Matter Trap 71.66666667 2150 71666.66667 1 0
Nitric Acid 68.29361152 682.9361152 5122.020864 1 0
Heat Sink 64.8 486 972 1 0
Nuclear Pasta 60 30 60000 1 0
Thermal Propulsion Rocket 60 30 3300 1 0
Alternate: Coated Iron Canister 58.51851852 877.7777778 877.7777778 1 0
Rocket Fuel 52.79503802 527.9503802 3959.627852 1 0
Excited Photonic Matter 51.25 1025 12812.5 1 0
Plutonium Fuel Rod 50.4 12.6 2772 1 0
Non-Fissile Uranium 50.4 126 3780 1 0
Versatile Framework 48.33333333 120.8333333 725 1 0
Ficsite Trigon 48.33333333 483.3333333 193.3333333 1 0
Alternate: Electric Motor 48.2591405 180.9717769 723.8871076 1 0
Bauxite (Caterium) 46.55161475 465.5161475 11637.90369 1 0
Alternate: Copper Rotor 44.1835815 165.6884306 662.7537225 1 0
Superposition Oscillator 43.33333333 216.6666667 43333.33333 1 0
Alternate: Cooling Device 36 90 2700 1 0
Pressure Conversion Cube 35.60724567 35.60724567 534.1086851 1 0
Motor 32.86365649 164.3182824 492.9548473 1 0
Neural-Quantum Processor 32.22222222 96.66666667 32222.22222 1 0
Alternate: Heat-Fused Frame 31.86908189 95.60724567 2390.181142 1 0
Alternate: Alclad Casing 30.94343357 232.0757518 464.1515036 1 0
Singularity Cell 30 30 1650 1 0
Alternate: Molded Beam 29.8924686 149.462343 478.2794975 1 0
Plutonium Pellet 25.2 25.2 12600 1 0
Bauxite (Copper) 17.92494472 179.2494472 4481.236181 1 0
Alternate: Turbo Electric Motor 17.34595863 16.26183622 954.0277248 1 0
Ficsite Ingot (Aluminum) 16.11111111 483.3333333 4027.777778 1 0
Sulfuric Acid 15.12 151.2 453.6 1 0
Alternate: Nitro Rocket Fuel 14.75294769 368.8236777 1106.471077 1 0
Alternate: Aluminum Beam 14.73950725 110.5463044 58.95802901 1 0
AI Expansion Server 14.16666667 56.66666667 14166.66667 1 0
Coal (Iron) 4.442668253 44.42668253 1110.667063 1 0
Alternate: Turbo Pressure Motor 2.990531026 5.607245673 164.4792064 1 0
Packaged Nitrogen Gas 2.242898269 134.5738962 22.42898269 1 0
Empty Fluid Tank 2.242898269 134.5738962 8.971593077 1 0
Sulfur (Iron) 1.320823681 13.20823681 330.2059203 1 0
Mining Iron Ore using Miner Mk.3 on a Impure node 39 11700 5892.85125 2.5 0
Mining Iron Ore using Miner Mk.3 on a Normal node 42 25200 6346.1475 2.5 0
Mining Iron Ore using Miner Mk.3 on a Pure node 46 55200 6950.5425 2.5 0
Mining Copper Ore using Miner Mk.3 on a Impure node 13 3900 1964.28375 2.5 0
Mining Copper Ore using Miner Mk.3 on a Normal node 29 17400 4381.86375 2.5 0
Mining Copper Ore using Miner Mk.3 on a Pure node 13 15600 1964.28375 2.5 0
Mining Limestone using Miner Mk.3 on a Impure node 15 4500 2266.48125 2.5 0
Mining Limestone using Miner Mk.3 on a Normal node 49 29400 7403.83875 2.5 0
Mining Limestone using Miner Mk.3 on a Pure node 30 36000 4532.9625 2.5 0
Mining Coal using Miner Mk.3 on a Impure node 15 4500 2266.48125 2.5 0
Mining Coal using Miner Mk.3 on a Normal node 31 18600 4684.06125 2.5 0
Mining Coal using Miner Mk.3 on a Pure node 16 19200 2417.58 2.5 0
Mining Caterium Ore using Miner Mk.3 on a Normal node 9 5400 1359.88875 2.5 0
Mining Caterium Ore using Miner Mk.3 on a Pure node 8 9600 1208.79 2.5 0
Mining Raw Quartz using Miner Mk.3 on a Impure node 3 900 453.29625 2.5 0
Mining Raw Quartz using Miner Mk.3 on a Normal node 7 4200 1057.69125 2.5 0
Mining Raw Quartz using Miner Mk.3 on a Pure node 7 8400 1057.69125 2.5 0
Mining Sulfur using Miner Mk.3 on a Impure node 6 1800 906.5925 2.5 0
Mining Sulfur using Miner Mk.3 on a Normal node 5 3000 755.49375 2.5 0
Mining Sulfur using Miner Mk.3 on a Pure node 5 6000 755.49375 2.5 0
Mining Uranium using Miner Mk.3 on a Impure node 3 900 453.29625 2.5 0
Mining Uranium using Miner Mk.3 on a Normal node 2 1200 302.1975 2.5 0
Mining Bauxite using Miner Mk.3 on a Impure node 5 1500 755.49375 2.5 0
Mining Bauxite using Miner Mk.3 on a Normal node 6 3600 906.5925 2.5 0
Mining Bauxite using Miner Mk.3 on a Pure node 6 7200 906.5925 2.5 0
Mining SAM using Miner Mk.3 on a Impure node 10 3000 1510.9875 2.5 0
Mining SAM using Miner Mk.3 on a Normal node 6 3600 906.5925 2.5 0
Mining SAM using Miner Mk.3 on a Pure node 3 3600 453.29625 2.5 0
Mining Crude Oil using Oil Extractor on a Impure node 10 1500 1343.1 2.5 0
Mining Crude Oil using Oil Extractor on a Normal node 12 3600 1611.72 2.5 0
Mining Crude Oil using Oil Extractor on a Pure node 8 4800 1074.48 2.5 0
Mining Crude Oil using Resource Well Extractor on a Impure node 8 600 0 2.5 0
Mining Crude Oil using Resource Well Extractor on a Normal node 6 900 0 2.5 0
Mining Crude Oil using Resource Well Extractor on a Pure node 4 1200 0 2.5 0
Mining Crude Oil using Resource Well Pressurizer 3 1510.9875 2.5 0
Mining Nitrogen Gas using Resource Well Extractor on a Impure node 2 150 0 2.5 0
Mining Nitrogen Gas using Resource Well Extractor on a Normal node 7 1050 0 2.5 0
Mining Nitrogen Gas using Resource Well Extractor on a Pure node 36 10800 0 2.5 0
Mining Nitrogen Gas using Resource Well Pressurizer 6 3021.975 2.5 0
Mining Water using Water Extractor on a Normal node 1874.520979 224942.5174 37490.41957 1 0

250% clock speed buildings, 104 Somersloops

  • Sink points per minute: 463,300,409
  • Alien power amplifiers: 0
  • Extra power:
    • 7100MW from geothermal generators
    • -30MW for a single sink
Sink object Amount per minute Sink points per minute
Sink Assembly Director System 140.9022945 70475946.04
Sink AI Expansion Server 120 71718240
Sink Ballistic Warp Drive 110.2380952 319176105.2
Sink Plutonium Fuel Rod 12.6 1930118.4
Recipes and mining
Recipe name Building count Cycles per minute Power used (MW) Clock speed Somersloops
Ballistic Warp Drive 22 55 16251.51 2.5 4 (88)
AI Expansion Server 8 80 60439.5 2.5 2 (16)
Alternate: Iron Wire 1723.67586 10772.97413 23150.67353 2.5 0
Burn Rocket Fuel in Fuel-Powered Generator 1188.03997 2475.08327 -742524.981 2.5 0
Alternate: Pure Iron Ingot 966.0686698 12075.85837 97314.44102 2.5 0
Alternate: Pure Copper Ingot 900.7992359 5629.995224 90739.69259 2.5 0
Alternate: Steamed Copper Sheet 452.4710197 8483.83162 45578.50362 2.5 0
Cable 375.7394519 28180.45889 5046.552884 2.5 0
Alternate: Iron Pipe 374.9346941 4686.683677 5035.74419 2.5 0
Alternate: Pure Aluminum Ingot 245.7694898 18432.71173 3300.9276 2.5 0
Automated Wiring 225.4436712 1409.022945 11354.74399 2.5 0
Alternate: Fused Quickwire 222.6810104 4175.268945 11215.59923 2.5 0
Stator 218.3859204 2729.824006 10999.27181 2.5 0
Alternate: Silicon Circuit Board 208.4139092 1302.586932 10497.01937 2.5 0
Alternate: Heavy Oil Residue 168 4200 16923.04761 2.5 0
Time Crystal 156.8253968 2352.380952 131645.0227 2.5 0
Alternate: Steeled Frame 142.990838 357.4770949 7201.90702 2.5 0
Alternate: Pure Caterium Ingot 139.1756315 4175.268945 14019.49903 2.5 0
Alternate: Cheap Silica 128.3691905 2406.922322 6465.470007 2.5 0
Alternate: Caterium Computer 125.1417196 1173.203621 23110.68657 2.5 0
Alternate: Encased Industrial Pipe 121.5539106 1215.539106 6122.210167 2.5 0
Adaptive Control Unit 112.7218356 281.8045889 20817.03065 2.5 0
AI Limiter 109.5135066 1368.918832 5515.780611 2.5 0
Alclad Aluminum Sheet 104.8962497 2622.406242 5283.226866 2.5 0
Alternate: Insulated Crystal Oscillator 104.1887555 488.3847915 19241.17457 2.5 0
Burn Uranium Fuel Rod in Nuclear Power Plant 100.8 50.4 -630000 2.5 0
Alternate: Recycled Rubber 100.6082392 1257.60299 10134.51204 2.5 0
Alternate: Diluted Fuel 98.80248173 2470.062043 24881.53426 2.5 0
Alternate: Wet Concrete 90.32367411 4516.183705 9098.52284 2.5 0
Electromagnetic Control Rod 88.05340405 440.2670203 4434.916515 2.5 0
Residual Rubber 84 2100 8461.523804 2.5 0
Alternate: Recycled Plastic 83.21367553 1040.170944 8382.315433 2.5 0
Assembly Director System 75.14789039 140.9022945 3784.914663 2.5 0
Alternate: Stitched Iron Plate 70.48139848 330.3815554 3549.881137 2.5 0
Packaged Turbofuel 62.73015873 1568.253968 2106.320363 2.5 0
Iron Plate 60.24844592 1506.211148 809.1962846 2.5 0
Smart Plating 55.23809524 276.1904762 2782.133677 2.5 0
Modular Engine 55.23809524 138.0952381 10201.15682 2.5 0
Alternate: Heavy Encased Frame 51.86300186 121.5539106 9577.857684 2.5 0
Turbofuel 50.23541749 470.957039 5060.335487 2.5 0
Alternate: Electrode Aluminum Scrap 49.15389796 1843.271173 4951.391401 2.5 0
Copper Powder 44.19047619 1104.761905 593.5218511 2.5 0
Alternate: Copper Rotor 37.72500882 353.6719577 1900.065834 2.5 0
Alternate: Pure Quartz Crystal 37.21026983 697.6925593 3748.280761 2.5 0
Alternate: Sloppy Alumina 36.86542347 1843.271173 3713.543551 2.5 0
Alternate: Super-State Computer 36.81704908 220.9022945 6799.229582 2.5 0
Radio Control Unit 35.35238095 110.4761905 6528.740362 2.5 0
Coal (Limestone) 34.18698462 854.6746155 28697.81589 2.5 0
Reanimated SAM 34 2550 456.6536656 2.5 0
Alternate: Infused Uranium Cell 33.6 420 6205.117457 2.5 0
Alternate: Uranium Fuel Unit 33.6 16.8 6205.117457 2.5 0
Alternate: Crystal Computer 32.88777854 137.0324106 1656.432863 2.5 0
Magnetic Field Generator 32 40 1611.71882 2.5 0
Alternate: Turbo Diamonds 31.36507937 1568.253968 52658.00906 2.5 0
Encased Plutonium Cell 30.24 378 1523.074285 2.5 0
Alternate: Classic Battery 29.45363926 552.2557362 5439.383665 2.5 0
Petroleum Coke 28.56093875 714.0234688 2877.012656 2.5 0
Alternate: Steel Screw 28.29375661 353.6719577 380.0131668 2.5 0
Alternate: Coated Iron Plate 27.64733326 518.3874987 1392.491479 2.5 0
Alternate: Dark Matter Trap 26.03174603 1952.380952 87408.03124 2.5 0
Alternate: Electric Motor 26.02328042 243.968254 1310.694088 2.5 0
Alternate: Nitro Rocket Fuel 25.85146186 1615.716302 6510.201189 2.5 0
Heat Sink 24.39619048 457.4285714 1228.743729 2.5 0
Alternate: Solid Steel Ingot 22.77043734 1138.521867 1223.31808 2.5 0
Nitric Acid 22.49291995 562.3229988 5664.416 2.5 0
Thermal Propulsion Rocket 22.0952381 27.61904762 4080.462727 2.5 0
Nuclear Pasta 22.0952381 27.61904762 74190.23139 2.5 0
Alternate: Turbo Blend Fuel 21.24794545 398.3989772 5350.892745 2.5 0
Alternate: Coated Iron Canister 20.91005291 784.1269841 1053.160181 2.5 0
Plutonium Fuel Rod 20.16 12.6 3723.070474 2.5 0
Non-Fissile Uranium 20.16 126 5076.914283 2.5 0
Excited Photonic Matter 17.52380952 876.1904762 14710.13209 2.5 0
Ficsite Trigon 16 400 214.8958427 2.5 0
Superposition Oscillator 15.23809524 190.4761905 51165.67682 2.5 0
Bauxite (Caterium) 13.50897544 337.7243859 11339.93227 2.5 0
Alternate: Cooling Device 13.25714286 82.85714286 3338.560413 2.5 0
Alternate: Alclad Casing 12.56973545 235.6825397 633.0899745 2.5 0
Alternate: Molded Beam 11.38521867 142.3152334 611.6590399 2.5 0
Alternate: Heat-Fused Frame 11.04761905 82.85714286 2782.133677 2.5 0
Pressure Conversion Cube 11.04761905 27.61904762 556.4267354 2.5 0
Singularity Cell 11.04761905 27.61904762 2040.231363 2.5 0
Rocket Fuel 10.72447414 268.1118536 2700.755752 2.5 0
Neural-Quantum Processor 10.66666667 80 35815.97378 2.5 0
Sulfur (Iron) 10.09198853 252.2997132 8471.587416 2.5 0
Plutonium Pellet 10.08 25.2 16923.04761 2.5 0
Alternate: Turbo Electric Motor 7.856084656 18.41269841 1450.831192 2.5 0
Alternate: Flexible Framework 6.944885052 65.10829737 1282.554389 2.5 0
Bauxite (Copper) 6.93339701 173.3349253 5820.149191 2.5 0
Sulfuric Acid 6.048 151.2 609.2297139 2.5 0
Versatile Framework 5.582672421 34.89170263 281.178069 2.5 0
Ficsite Ingot (Aluminum) 5.333333333 400 4476.996722 2.5 0
Nitrogen Gas (Caterium) 5.278654405 131.9663601 4431.097212 2.5 0
Alternate: Aluminum Beam 1.937512412 36.32835773 26.02271015 2.5 0
Ballistic Warp Drive 0.09523809524 0.2380952381 17.58820141 2.5 0
Mining Iron Ore using Miner Mk.3 on a Impure node 39 11700 5892.85125 2.5 0
Mining Iron Ore using Miner Mk.3 on a Normal node 42 25200 6346.1475 2.5 0
Mining Iron Ore using Miner Mk.3 on a Pure node 46 55200 6950.5425 2.5 0
Mining Copper Ore using Miner Mk.3 on a Impure node 13 3900 1964.28375 2.5 0
Mining Copper Ore using Miner Mk.3 on a Normal node 29 17400 4381.86375 2.5 0
Mining Copper Ore using Miner Mk.3 on a Pure node 13 15600 1964.28375 2.5 0
Mining Limestone using Miner Mk.3 on a Impure node 15 4500 2266.48125 2.5 0
Mining Limestone using Miner Mk.3 on a Normal node 49 29400 7403.83875 2.5 0
Mining Limestone using Miner Mk.3 on a Pure node 30 36000 4532.9625 2.5 0
Mining Coal using Miner Mk.3 on a Impure node 15 4500 2266.48125 2.5 0
Mining Coal using Miner Mk.3 on a Normal node 31 18600 4684.06125 2.5 0
Mining Coal using Miner Mk.3 on a Pure node 16 19200 2417.58 2.5 0
Mining Caterium Ore using Miner Mk.3 on a Normal node 9 5400 1359.88875 2.5 0
Mining Caterium Ore using Miner Mk.3 on a Pure node 8 9600 1208.79 2.5 0
Mining Raw Quartz using Miner Mk.3 on a Impure node 3 900 453.29625 2.5 0
Mining Raw Quartz using Miner Mk.3 on a Normal node 7 4200 1057.69125 2.5 0
Mining Raw Quartz using Miner Mk.3 on a Pure node 7 8400 1057.69125 2.5 0
Mining Sulfur using Miner Mk.3 on a Impure node 6 1800 906.5925 2.5 0
Mining Sulfur using Miner Mk.3 on a Normal node 5 3000 755.49375 2.5 0
Mining Sulfur using Miner Mk.3 on a Pure node 5 6000 755.49375 2.5 0
Mining Uranium using Miner Mk.3 on a Impure node 3 900 453.29625 2.5 0
Mining Uranium using Miner Mk.3 on a Normal node 2 1200 302.1975 2.5 0
Mining Bauxite using Miner Mk.3 on a Impure node 5 1500 755.49375 2.5 0
Mining Bauxite using Miner Mk.3 on a Normal node 6 3600 906.5925 2.5 0
Mining Bauxite using Miner Mk.3 on a Pure node 6 7200 906.5925 2.5 0
Mining SAM using Miner Mk.3 on a Impure node 10 3000 1510.9875 2.5 0
Mining SAM using Miner Mk.3 on a Normal node 6 3600 906.5925 2.5 0
Mining SAM using Miner Mk.3 on a Pure node 3 3600 453.29625 2.5 0
Mining Crude Oil using Oil Extractor on a Impure node 10 1500 1343.1 2.5 0
Mining Crude Oil using Oil Extractor on a Normal node 12 3600 1611.72 2.5 0
Mining Crude Oil using Oil Extractor on a Pure node 8 4800 1074.48 2.5 0
Mining Crude Oil using Resource Well Extractor on a Impure node 8 600 0 2.5 0
Mining Crude Oil using Resource Well Extractor on a Normal node 6 900 0 2.5 0
Mining Crude Oil using Resource Well Extractor on a Pure node 4 1200 0 2.5 0
Mining Crude Oil using Resource Well Pressurizer 3 1510.9875 2.5 0
Mining Nitrogen Gas using Resource Well Extractor on a Impure node 2 150 0 2.5 0
Mining Nitrogen Gas using Resource Well Extractor on a Normal node 7 1050 0 2.5 0
Mining Nitrogen Gas using Resource Well Extractor on a Pure node 36 10800 0 2.5 0
Mining Nitrogen Gas using Resource Well Pressurizer 6 3021.975 2.5 0
Mining Water using Water Extractor on a Normal node 771.6407714 231492.2314 51819.49806 2.5 0