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/* Tooltips *
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.tooltip:hover > .tooltip-block {
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.tooltip-block > .title {
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.tooltip-block > .tooltip-body {
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.tooltip-block .description {
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.tooltip-block hr {
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	margin-bottom: 5px;
.tooltip-recipe {
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.tooltip-recipe > .recipe-name {
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	font-weight: bold;
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.tooltip-recipe > .production-rate {
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.tooltip-recipe > .production-rate > span {
.tooltip-recipe > .recipe-row {
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.tooltip-recipe > .recipe-row > .recipe-item {
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.tooltip-recipe > .recipe-row > .recipe-item:last-child {
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.tooltip-recipe > .recipe-row > .recipe-item > div {
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	padding-top: 2px;
.tooltip-recipe > .recipe-row > .recipe-item .amount {
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	font-weight: bold;
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.tooltip-recipe > .recipe-row > .recipe-item .amount.fluid {
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.tooltip-recipe > .recipe-row .arrow {
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