Fichiers de sauvegarde

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Save files are files that contain the .sav file extension.

Save File Location

For both Steam and Epic Games version, the save files are located in:
%localappdata%\FactoryGame\Saved\SaveGames\<your id>
C:\Users\<your Windows username>\AppData\Local\FactoryGame\Saved\SaveGames\<your id>
Take note the Steam ID and Epic ID may not be the same. To share save files across platform, simply copy over the save files.

  • If you cannot find your steam save folder (probably because you have owned the game in Epic and just bought the Steam copy recently), first start a new game with Steam, then save the new game. You should now be able to see your steam save folder beside epic. The steam ID is usually shorter than the Epic ID. The folder location is stated above.

Linux (using Steam Play)

The save location is:
~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/526870/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Local Settings/Application Data/FactoryGame/Saved/SaveGames/[your Steam ID]

Save editing

Save files can be edited using online tools such as Satisfactory Interactive Map. See here.

Cloud sync

Example of a sync conflict dialog on Steam

If playing on Epic Games or Steam and the Cloud Sync is enabled, a notification may sometimes appear when the player:

  • Switches the game version between experimental and stable
  • Copies over the save game across different platforms
  • Continues a game at different machine

And you will be prompted to either upload your save file to the cloud or download the save file from the cloud to your PC.

Unless you are playing across multiple PC, always choose upload your save file to the cloud to avoid losing your progress. And always back up your saves!

Save File Format

A save file has a header and a body. The body of the file is compressed in chunks - see Compressed Save File Body Format below.

As of Patch (Early Access Build 202470, released on September 28, 2022), the produced save file header has version 10, the save version is 30 and the editor object version is 40. For these versions, this format description should be correct, but may not be complete: It is possible that not all potential structures were present in the analyzed save files.

Basic data types

There are five basic types that are used to compose more elaborated structures in the save files:


A single 8-bit byte that represents a signed integer between -128 and 127.


Four consecutive bytes in little-endian order that represent a signed integer between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647.


Eight consecutive bytes in little-endian order that represent a signed integer between -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 and 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.


Four consecutive bytes in little-endian order that represent a signed floating-point number with single precision, according to the binary32 format of IEEE 754.


A variable-length byte sequence of UTF-encoded characters, null-terminated:

number of bytes description example notes
4 string length in bytes, including null-termination bytes 22 as an Int, see above
variable the encoded characters "Hello Massage-2(A-B)b" without the quotation marks
1 or 2 null-termination N/A one byte if UTF-8, two bytes if UTF-16

A length of zero represents the empty string and occupies just these four bytes. A positve length means that the characters are encoded in UTF-8. A negative length means that the characters are encoded in UTF-16 little-endian, without a byte-order mark. In this case, the given negative length has to be multiplied by minus two to get the number of bytes the rest of the string occupies (including the two bytes for null-termination).

Composite data types

Using the basic data types defined above, a save file has two top-level structures: a SaveFileHeader and a SaveFileBody. These are composed of different intermediate data types themselves.

These composite data types are documented below. A data type is a list of ordered fields, each field is a row in the table of the data type. So, for example: The SaveFileHeader begins with an Int (four bytes) that represents the save header version. This is followed by another Int (the next four bytes) that represents the save version and so on.


basic data type description example notes
Int save header version 10 for a version list see the header SaveCustomVersion.h in the Community resources
Int save version 30 for a version list see the header FGSaveManagerInterface.h in the Community resources
Int build version 202,470 this is Patch
String map name "Persistent_Level"
String map options "?startloc=Rocky Desert?sessionName=only one way to find out?Visibility=SV_Private"
String session name "only one way to find out"
Int played seconds 941,514
Long save timestamp as Ticks 637,894,867,432,920,000 this is 2022-05-30 05:52:23 UTC
Byte session visibility 0 this is "private" visibility, 1 would be "friends only"
Int editor object version 40 depends on the unreal engine version used
String mod metadata "" empty if no mods where used
Int mod flags 0 zero if no mods where used
String save identifier _tYytyulUk6z2Ah42xvScg a unique identifier (GUID) for this save, for analytics purposes


Directly after the save file header, the save file body begins with a list of zlib-compressed chunks. Each compressed chunk has this format:

basic data type description example notes
Int unreal engine package signature 2,653,586,369 always the magic number "9E2A83C1" in hex (not really an Int as defined above, more like a four byte unsigned integer)
Int padding 0
Int maximum chunk size 131,072 in number of bytes, always 128 * 1,024
Int padding 0
Int compressed size 3,814 in number of bytes
Int padding 0
Int uncompressed size 131,072 in number of bytes
Int padding 0
Int compressed size 3,814 this is a repeat of the above data
Int padding 0
Int uncompressed size 131,072 this is a repeat of the above data
Int padding 0
N/A compressed bytes of the chunk N/A number of bytes: see "compressed size" above


The save file body is the concatenation of the uncompressed chunks. The body mainly consists of a list of sublevels and the persistent level.

basic data type description example notes
Int uncompressed size 90,103,391 in number of bytes, for the whole body
Int sublevel count 107 the number of sublevels that follow - does not include the persistent level
N/A levels N/A sublevels and the persistent level. for the format of one Level, see below
Int object references count 218 the count of some old object references, can be ignored according to SCIM
N/A object references N/A a list of object references, can also be ignored. for the format of one such ObjectReference, see below


Each level has a list of game objects (actors and components), preceded by a list of headers for these objects.

basic data type description example notes
String sublevel name "Level /Game/FactoryGame/Map/GameLevel01/Cave_X3_Y4_DesertCanyon_1_01.Cave_X3_Y4_DesertCanyon_1_01:PersistentLevel" the name of the sublevel. if this is the persistent level, the field is absent
Int object header and collectables size 21,499,825 in number of bytes
Int object header count 86,644 the number of headers that follow
N/A object headers N/A for the format of one ObjectHeader, see below
Int collectables count 223 the number of collectable objects that follow (e.g. Power Slugs)
N/A collectables N/A a list of object references, for the format of one such ObjectReference, see below
Int objects size 92,259 in number of bytes, for all game objects in that level (actors and components)
Int object count 504 should be the same as the number of object headers above
N/A objects N/A the additional data for each of the object headers above. for the format of objects, see below (ActorObject or ComponentObject, depending on the header type the object belongs to)
Int second collectables count 223 the number of collectables in the second list that follows. can be igonred, since the collectables should be exactly the same as above
N/A second collectables N/A a list of object references, for the format of one such ObjectReference, see below. can also be ignored


basic data type description example notes
Int header type 1 this is a header for an actor object, 0 would be a component header
N/A the bytes of the header N/A either an ActorHeader or a ComponentHeader, see below


basic data type description example notes
String type path "/Game/FactoryGame/Buildable/Factory/ConstructorMk1/Build_ConstructorMk1.Build_ConstructorMk1_C" the type of actor, described in a hierarchical path
String root object "Persistent_Level"
String instance name "Persistent_Level:PersistentLevel.Build_ConstructorMk1_C_2147169479" the name of this single actor object
Int need transform? 1 seems to be more like a boolean flag, semantics unclear
Float rotation x -0.0
Float rotation y 0.0
Float rotation z -0.99999994
Float rotation w 3.5762787E-7
Float position x -165,200.0
Float position y -33,599.996
Float position z -450.0
Float scale x 1.0
Float scale y 1.0
Float scale z 1.0
Int was placed in level? 0 seems to be more like a boolean flag, semantics unclear


basic data type description example notes
String type path "/Script/FactoryGame.FGPowerCircuit" the type of component, described in a hierarchical path
String root object "Persistent_Level"
String instance name "Persistent_Level:PersistentLevel.CircuitSubsystem.FGPowerCircuit_2147177256" the name of this single component object
String parent actor name "Persistent_Level:PersistentLevel.CircuitSubsystem" a reference to the instance name of an actor


basic data type description example notes
Int size 2,333 the number of bytes this ActorObject has, including trailing bytes
String parent object root "Persistent_Level"
String parent object name "Persistent_Level:PersistentLevel.BuildableSubsystem"
Int component count 8 the number of components this actor has (e.g. a Constructor has an input inventory)
N/A components N/A a list of object references, for the format of one such ObjectReference, see below
N/A properties N/A a list of properties, see PropertyList below
N/A trailing bytes N/A some actors have trailing bytes that contain additional information or are just padding zeros. for interpreting this data, see existing save file parsers like SCIM


basic data type description example notes
Int size 194,584 the number of bytes this ComponentObject has, including trailing bytes. Some components only have their header information, so this size could be zero
N/A properties N/A a list of properties, see PropertyList below
N/A trailing bytes N/A some components have trailing bytes that contain additional information or are just padding zeros. for interpreting this data, see existing save file parsers like SCIM


basic data type description example notes
String level name "Persistent_Level"
String path name "Persistent_Level:PersistentLevel.Build_WorkBench_C_2146781450.FGFactoryLegs"


Properties contain very different types of information. Every property has a name, which has the basic data type String.


Zero, one or multiple properties concatenated form a PropertyList. The special property named "None" marks the end of a PropertyList. All other properties in a PropertyList also have a type, which has the basic data type String. After the "name" and the "type" strings, the type-specific part begins. For these, see the following "...Property" descriptions.

basic data type description example notes
Int size 112 the number of bytes this property has, starting after the first padding
Int index 0
String type "ObjectProperty" the type of the elements in this array
Int padding 0 always zero, as all padding should be
Int length 1 the number of elements in this array
N/A array elements N/A a list of values, according to the stated element type and number of elements. although the types are named like the other "...Property" structures here, most are actually simpler:
  • "ByteProperty": a single Byte per element
  • "EnumProperty": a single String per element
  • "InterfaceProperty" or "ObjectProperty": two Strings per element, "level name" and "path name"
  • "IntProperty": a single Int per element

"StructProperty" as element type in this context has more fields per element:

basic data type description example notes
String name "mStops"
String type "StructProperty" seems to be always this value
Int size 1234 the number of bytes the payload of these StructProperty array elements have, starting after the "UUID" and the one byte padding below
Int padding 0
String element type "TimeTableStop" the type of elements in the payload of these StructProperty array elements
Int ? N/A "UUID": most of the time, these four Ints are zeros like in a padding - but sometimes they are not. semantics unclear, could be some sort of UUID
Int ? N/A
Int ? N/A
Int ? N/A
Byte padding 0
N/A typed data N/A the list of elements with the actual payload of the property, see "TypedData" below for one such element
basic data type description example notes
Int padding 0
Int index 0 seems to always be zero
Byte the boolean value 1 zero is considered "false", everything else is "true"
Byte padding 0
basic data type description example notes
Int size 17 the number of bytes this property has, starting after the padding
Int index 0 seems to always be zero
String type "EGamePhase" semantics unclear, why is it not just a byte?
Byte padding 0
Byte or String the byte value "EGP_LateGame" the actual value of this property. if type is "None", then its just a Byte, otherwise a String
basic data type description example notes
Int size 34 the number of bytes this property has, starting after the padding
Int index 0 seems to always be zero
String type "EIntroTutorialSteps" semantics unclear
Byte padding 0
String the enum value "EIntroTutorialSteps::ITS_DONE" the actual value of this property
basic data type description example notes
Int size 4 the number of bytes this property has, starting after the padding
Int index 0 seems to always be zero
Byte padding 0
Float the float value 0.37677494 the actual value of this property
basic data type description example notes
Int size 4 the number of bytes this property has, starting after the padding
Int index 0 seems to always be zero
Byte padding 0
Int the int value 10 the actual value of this property
basic data type description example notes
Int size 8 the number of bytes this property has, starting after the padding
Int index 0 seems to always be zero
Byte padding 0
Long the long value 2,830,424,080 the actual value of this property
basic data type description example notes
Int size 370 the number of bytes this property has, starting after the padding
Int index 0 seems to always be zero
String key type "ObjectProperty" the type the keys of this map have
String value type "IntProperty" the type the values of this map have
Byte padding 0
Int mode type 0 semantics unclear, seems to be always 0, but does not seem to be a simple padding
Int number of elements 4 the number of key-value pairs in this map
N/A map elements N/A a list of key-value pairs, according to the stated types and number of pairs. although the types are named like the other "...Property" structures here, they are actually simpler:
  • the key type seems to be always "ObjectProperty", which in this context is two Strings per key-value pair, "level name" and "path name"
  • the value types seem to always be one of these:
    • "ByteProperty": a single Byte per key-value pair
    • "IntProperty": a single Int per key-value pair
    • "StructProperty": a list of properties per key-value pair, see "PropertyList" above for one of this list
basic data type description example notes
Int size 17 the number of bytes this property has, starting after the padding
Int index 0 seems to always be zero
Byte padding 0
String the string value "Rocky Desert" the actual value of this property
basic data type description example notes
Int size 104 the number of bytes this property has, starting after the padding
Int index 0 seems to always be zero
Byte padding 0
String level name "Persistent_Level"
String path name "Persistent_Level:PersistentLevel.BP_FreightWagon_C_2147208516.StorageInventory"
basic data type description example notes
Int size 5,240 the number of bytes this property has, starting after the first padding
Int index 0 seems to always be zero
String type "StructProperty" the type of the elements in this set
Byte padding 0
Int padding 0
Int length 436 the number of elements in this set
N/A set elements N/A a list of values, according to the stated element type and number of elements. e.g. for the "mRemovalLocations" property of "/Script/FactoryGame.FGFoliageRemoval", each removal location element is of type "StructProperty". The actual location element is simpler than the StructProperty described below, since a location is just x/y/z, each of basic data type Float.
basic data type description example notes
Int size 9 the number of bytes this property has, starting after the padding
Int index 0 seems to always be zero
Byte padding 0
String the string value "Name" the actual value of this property
basic data type description example notes
Int size 387 the number of bytes this property has, starting after the padding
Int index 0 seems to always be zero
String type "TrainDockingRuleSet" the type of structure this property's payload represents. if it is "InventoryItem", the structure has an addtional overhead of 42 bytes, compared to the stated size (because in the TypedData below, there is an addtional property of this size - see below in "TypedData" / "InventoryItem")
Long padding 0
Long padding 0
Byte padding 0
N/A typed data N/A the actual payload of the property, see "TypedData" below
basic data type description example notes
Int size 34 the number of bytes this property has, starting after the padding
Int index 0 seems to always be zero
Byte padding 0
Int flags 18 semantics unclear
Byte history type -1 semantics unclear, seems to be always -1
int is text culture invariant? 1 semantics unclear, seems to be always 1 (as a boolean, this would be "true", sincei it is not zero)
String the text value "my fancy train station" the actual value of this property


As part of an element in an ArrayProperty or "standalone" as the payload of a StructProperty, several custom types can occur. Note that the actual type is stated beforehand as a String, with a gap of 17 bytes to this structure. By default, the TypedData is just a PropertyList (see above), but there are some special structures:

basic data type description example notes
Float min x -269,069.38
Float min y -309,234.5
Float min z -27,460.76
Float max x 318,316.0
Float max y 303,073.75
Float max z 29,100.76
Byte is valid? 1 semantics unclear
basic data type description example notes
Float the float value of this FluidBox 6.3548093
basic data type description example notes
Int padding 0
String item type "/Game/FactoryGame/Resource/Equipment/NailGun/Desc_RebarGunProjectile.Desc_RebarGunProjectile_C"
String level name "Persistent_Level"
String path name "Persistent_Level:PersistentLevel.Equip_RebarGun_Projectile_C_2147354475"
N/A extra property IntProperty: NumItems=1 this extra property is only present if the InventoryItem is part of the payload of a StructProperty. It always seems to be this "NumItems" IntProperty
basic data type description example notes
Float r 0.783538
Float g 0.291771
Float b 0.057805
Float a 1.0
basic data type description example notes
Float x 0.42907318
Float y -0.13565472
Float z -0.23136456
Float w 0.8625337
basic data type description example notes
String level name "Persistent_Level"
String path name "Persistent_Level:PersistentLevel.Build_RailroadTrackIntegrated_C_2147205088"
Float offset 93.29132
Float forward 1.0
basic data type description example notes
Float x 2.1905906
Float y 2.1905906
Float z 2.1905909


  • Creative Mode can be enabled by editing a save file, with third-party tools providing a GUI interface for doing so.[citation nécessaire]Fichiers de sauvegarde/doc Much like the 4-player limit for multiplayer, that there is no interface to change this option within the Satisfactory client indicates that this feature is unsupported.