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Affiche dans un tableau toutes les recettes de transformation réalisable par le bâtiment donné.

 {{#invoke: createdUsing | makeTable | building=Raffinerie}}

REMARQUE: Vous devez utiliser les arguments nommés. Pour une raison inconnue, les arguments positionés/anonymes/numérotés args ne fonctionne pas correctement. Erreur Lua : Erreur : table crafting_recipes non trouvée..

-- this module is used to construct a table of all recipes available on a particular production building
local cargo = mw.ext.cargo

local p = {}

-- round to 1 decimal for display (string)
-- just straight up copied this from AlternateRecipesTable
function round(n)
  local tentimes = math.floor(n*10+0.5)
  local suffix = ''
  if tentimes % 10 == 0 then suffix = '.0' end
  return (tentimes/10)..suffix

-- query is a function that gets all recipes for the building
function getRecipes(building)
    local cargoTable = 'crafting_recipes'
    local fields = {
        'recipeName', 'alternateRecipe',
        'product', 'craftingTime', 'productCount', 'productsPerMinute', 
        'product2', 'productCount2', 'productsPerMinute2',
        'product3', 'productCount3', 'productsPerMinute3',
        'product4', 'productCount4', 'productsPerMinute4',
        -- skip the rest of the product fields for now. when this breaks later because there's some monstercrafter that makes 5 different outputs, then we can bother with it
        'ingredient1', 'quantity1', 'ingredient2', 'quantity2',
        'ingredient3', 'quantity3', 'ingredient4', 'quantity4',

    local queryArgs = {
        where = 'craftedIn= "' .. building .. '"'
    return cargo.query(cargoTable, table.concat(fields, ','), queryArgs)

function makeIngredient(frame, recipe, index, parentHtml)
    -- pulled a lot of this formatting from the AlternateRecipeTable module. I'm not 100% satisfied with the HTML that
    -- it outputs, but I can live with it.
    local ingredientItem = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'ItemLink', args = {recipe['ingredient'..index]}}

    parentHtml:wikitext("'''"..recipe['quantity'..index].."x''' "..ingredientItem)

    local craftingTime = tonumber(recipe['craftingTime'])
    local ingredientsPerMinute = (60 / craftingTime) * tonumber(recipe['quantity'..index])
        :css('float', 'right')
    parentHtml:tag('br'):css('clear', 'both')

-- makeProduct is just makeIngredient copied and with the table keys changed
function makeProduct(frame, recipe, index, parentHtml)
    -- pulled a lot of this formatting from the AlternateRecipeTable module. I'm not 100% satisfied with the HTML that
    -- it outputs, but I can live with it.
    local productItem = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'ItemLink', args = {recipe['product'..index]}}

    parentHtml:wikitext("'''"..recipe['productCount'..index].."x''' "..productItem)

        :css('float', 'right')
    parentHtml:tag('br'):css('clear', 'both')

function p.makeTable(frame)
    local recipes = getRecipes(frame.args['building'])
    local recipeTable = mw.html.create('table')

    local headerRow = recipeTable:tag('tr')
    headerRow:tag('th'):wikitext("Nom de la recette")
    headerRow:tag('th'):wikitext("Temps de fabrication (sec)")

    for i, recipe in ipairs(recipes) do
        local recipeRow = recipeTable:tag('tr')

        -- if the recipe is an alternate, we should add the alternate icon.
        if recipe.alternateRecipe == '1' then
            local t = frame:expandTemplate{title = 'AlternateIcon'}
            recipeRow:tag('td'):wikitext(t..' '..recipe['recipeName'])

        local allIngredients = recipeRow:tag('td')

        local ingredientIndex = 1
        while recipe['ingredient'..ingredientIndex] and recipe['ingredient'..ingredientIndex] ~= '' do
            makeIngredient(frame, recipe, ingredientIndex, allIngredients)
            ingredientIndex = ingredientIndex + 1

        -- we have to do the first product outside of the loop, because only subsequent products are numbered
        local allProducts = recipeRow:tag('td')
        -- since we're only going up to 4 products, we'll just hard-code the iterator here
        for i, index in ipairs{'', '2','3','4'} do
            if recipe['product'..index] ~= '' then
                makeProduct(frame, recipe, index, allProducts)
    return tostring(recipeTable)

return p