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Template-info.svg Documentation

Creates a description describing train throughput and links to the main section for it.

{{TrainThroughput}} produces:

Main article: Tutorial:Trains#Calculating throughput

The maximum throughput of a single train can be calculated in stacks/min or fluid m3/min using the following values:

  • Total round-trip duration of the train
  • Amount of Freight Cars
  • Storage capacity of each Freight Car (currently 32 stacks or 1600 m3)

Then, the equation is:

E.g. for a train of three carriages that completes the round trip in five minutes:

stacks per minute or m3 per minute.

For more detailed info see the section on throughput on the Tutorial page linked above.

This is the documentation page, it should be transcluded into the main template page. See Template:Doc for more information.