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Template-info.svg Documentation
The MAMunlock template is used in the Obtaining section of parts and buildings under Unlocking. It displays that the part/building is unlocked in the M.A.M. using which parts in which research chain.



Parameter Data Type Description
name String Name of the part or building to be used, if left blank pagename is used
plural Any If any non-blank value is entered, changes "is unlocked" to "are unlocked"
resourcescanner Any If any non-blank value is entered, changes "unlocked" to "added to the Resource Scanner"
chain Required Name of the research chain, without "research" or "research chain" (required)
ingredient1 String First part used for the research (required)
quantity1 Integer Amount of the first part (required)
ingredient2 String Second part used for the research
quantity2 Integer Amount of the second part
ingredient3 String Third part used for the research
quantity3 Integer Amount of the third part
ingredient4 String Fourth part used for the research
quantity4 Integer Amount of the fourth part
ingredient5 String Fifth part used for the research
quantity5 Integer Amount of the fifth part


|name = Nobelisk
|chain = Sulfur
|ingredient1 = Black Powder
|quantity1 = 100
|ingredient2 = Steel Beam
|quantity2 = 100
Nobelisk wird dem Resource Scanner über die Sulfur Forschungskette in der Unknown building FP.png MAM anhand folgender Zutaten hinzugefügt:
Black Powder.png
Steel Beam.png
|name = Blade Runners
|plural = 1
|chain = Caterium
|ingredient1 = Quickwire
|quantity1 = 100
|ingredient2 = Modular Frame
|quantity2 = 10
Blade Runners werden dem Resource Scanner über die Caterium Forschungskette in der Unknown building FP.png MAM anhand folgender Zutaten hinzugefügt:
Modular Frame.png
|name = {{ItemLink|Caterium Ore}}
|ingredient1=Caterium Ore
 Caterium Ore wird dem Resource Scanner über die Caterium Forschungskette in der Unknown building FP.png MAM anhand folgender Zutaten hinzugefügt:
Caterium Ore.png