Vorlage:Infobox simple/Crafting cargo/doc

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This template is used to store infobox data into cargo.


Name Type Description
recipeName String Defaults to PAGENAME, recipe name (eponymous for buildings)
experimental Boolean Whether the recipe is available only in the Experimental branch
unreleased Boolean Whether the recipe is unreleased or otherwise unavailable
alternateRecipe Boolean Whether the recipe is an alternate recipe
mainRecipe Boolean Whether the recipe is the primary recipe (rarely used)
researchTier String Tier and milestone, MAM research or other source which unlocks the recipe
craftedIn Page Building or tool used to craft the product
product Page Defaults to PAGENAME, the actual product (rarely used)
productCount Integer Defaults to 1, the actual product count (rarely used)
quantityX Float Count of the Xth ingredient
ingredientX Page Xth ingredient, ordered the same way as in-game

This is the documentation page, it should be transcluded into the main template page. See Template:Doc for more information.