Vorlage:Infobox simple/Building cargo

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Diese Vorlage definiert die Tabelle „buildings“. Diese Tabelle wurde noch nicht erstellt.

Template-info.svg Documentation

This template is used to store infobox data into cargo.


Parameter Type Description
name Page Building name
researchTier Wikitext Tier and milestone, MAM research or other source which unlocks the building
powerUsage String Power usage in MW, without the unit
powerGenerated String Power generated in MW, without the unit
fuel Wikitext Accepted fuel
overclockable Boolean Whether the building is overclockable
inputs Wikitext Amount of inputs
outputs Wikitext Amount of outputs
size_width String Width in meters
size_length String Length in meters
size_height String Height in meters
size_note String Additional size information, such as whether the building is stackable