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Template-info.svg Documentation

Template used for "walled garden" references which can't be viewed without a registration or due to other restrictions. A replacement link can be provided to be linked in the same reference.


Parameter Description
link1 Reference link (required)
title1 Title of reference link
link2 Alternate reference link (e.g. screenshot)
title2 Title of alternate reference link
name Reference name
group Reference group


Example text with a reference.[1]

{{Gatedref|link1=https://www.youtube.com/user/CoffeeStainStudios|title1=Coffee Stain Studios' YouTube channel|link2=https://www.youtube.com|title2=YouTube homepage|group=Socials|name=YouTube}}


This is the documentation page, it should be transcluded into the main template page. See Template:Doc for more information.